• Asset management for blue-green infrastructures: a scoping review 

      Langeveld, Jeroen G.; Cherqui, Frédéric; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Fernandez-Delgado Juarez, Marina; Leitao, Joao; Roghani, Bardia; Kerres, Karsten; Do Céu Almeida, Maria; Werey, Caty; Rulleau, Bénédicte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Urban drainage systems have developed way beyond the traditional piped combined or separate sewer systems. Many ‘new’ systems are being introduced, ranging from stormwater infiltration facilities to green roofs. However, ...
    • A comparative analysis of international guidelines for green infrastructure performance assessment 

      Roghani, Bardia; Bahrami, Mahdi; Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz; Cherqui, Frédéric; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Rokstad, Marius Møller (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Natural or semi-natural elements, referred to by various terms such as green infrastructure (GI), are increasingly adopted as a win-win solution to develop water-wise, climate-resilient, and sustainable societies. Accordingly, ...
    • Detention-based green roofs for stormwater management under extreme precipitation due to climate change 

      Hamouz, Vladimir; Pons, Vincent; Sivertsen, Edvard; Raspati, Gema Sakti; Bertrand-Krajewski, Jean-Luc; Muthanna, Tone Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Rooftops cover a large percentage of land area in urban areas, which can potentially be used for stormwater purposes. Seeking adaptation strategies, there is an increasing interest in utilising green roofs for ...
    • Evaluating the stormwater management model for hydrological simulation of infiltration swales in cold climates 

      Bosco, Camillo; Abdalla, Elhadi Mohsen Hassan; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Alfredsen, Knut Tore; Rasten, Britt; Kjennbakken, Heidi; Sivertsen, Edvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) is a widely used tool for assessing the hydrological performance of infiltration swales. However, validating the accuracy of SWMM simulation against observed data has been challenging, ...
    • Framework for the documentation of nature-based solutions for stormwater management 

      Raspati, Gema Sakti; Bruaset, Stian; Azrague, Kamal; Ugarelli, Rita Maria; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Time, Berit; Sivertsen, Edvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Nature-based solutions (NBSs) are widely implemented for stormwater management; as such they have become important assets that require proper asset management at different stages of their service life. Hence, there is a ...
    • Hydrological performance of lined permeable pavements in Norway 

      Hassan Abdalla, Elhadi Mohsen; Selseth, Ingrid; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Helness, Herman; Alfredsen, Knut; Gaarden, Terje; Sivertsen, Edvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Lined permeable pavements (LPPs) are types of sustainable urban stormwater systems (SUDs) that are suitable for locations with low infiltration capacity or shallow groundwater levels. This study evaluated the hydrological ...
    • Towards improving the hydrologic design of permeable pavements 

      Hassan Abdalla, Elhadi Mohsen; Muthanna, Tone Merete; Alfredsen, Knut; Sivertsen, Edvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The common approach to the hydrologic design of permeable pavements (PPs) uses synthetic rainfall events. This study assessed the validity of the design approach using synthetic rainfall events for undrained PP. Synthetic ...