• Moment of being human 

      Zaneta, Lili (Master thesis, 2020)
      Positivity doesn't exist without negativity. One defines other, one doesn’t exist without another. In modern times, where a way of living accommodates mankind and its consumeristic needs, our lives become “better and ...
    • MOOD - A Utopian Sculpture for Public Space 

      Buxbom, Bella da Silva (Master thesis, 2020)
      MOOD er en kunstinstallasjon beregnet for offentlige rom. Det tar form som en semi-mobil arkitektonisk skulptur som kan demonteres og flyttes mellom forskjellige miljøer som parker, gallerier eller utkantsstrøk. MOOD er ...
    • Museum of Extinction: The Field Ornithology Collection 

      Field, Natalie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Å bli utryddet er å ha gått ut av bruk... å ikke lenger brenne, ikke lenger være aktiv, ikke lenger eksistere. Trusselen om utryddelse gjennomsyrer temaet jeg tar opp, tapet av biologisk mangfold; rommet der jeg adresserer ...
    • My art begins where language ends 

      Ljungberg, Astrid (Master thesis, 2023)
      The premise for this critical reflection text is my artistic development through 5 years as a student at the Academy of Fine Art in Trondheim, leading up to the master’s exhibition at Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst (K-U-K) in ...
    • Nature of mind Exploring the raw compounds of wool, wood, and salt in their natural state: focussing on their materiality in an esoteric way within the context of modern and historic western sculpture and practices 

      Fereday Hazel Lillian (Master thesis, 2024)
      Dette arbeidet utforsker en ikke-konvensjonell, evolusjonerende definisjon av hvordan materialer som salt, tre, og ull brukes av kunstnere i den nåværende verden. Dette utvider min kunnskap om oppførselen til disse ...
    • No Center Objects and Material Investigations 

      Allberg, Adelina (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I den här essän dyker jag in i materialens och objektens värld. Det är en text där de betecknas som potentialiteter och berättare. Min skulpturella praktik, som är baserad på materiella relationer, förankras här med koncept ...
    • Nothing Is Set In Stone - Performativity, Space, and the Abstract Body 

      Foltyn, Agnieszka (Master thesis, 2017)
      This is a performative text. It is written in two distinct and intertwining voices. The first is a lyrical and reflective description of my interaction with the process of creation, materials, imagination, and experience ...
    • Ordlösa kommunikationssätt via färgvärldar och entiten "Q" 

      Tien, Sofia (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Varken målandet eller betraktandet av mina verk kräver ord, paradoxalt nog försöker jag beskriva dessa abstrakta fenomen med just ord. Seende och tänkande är nödvändiga verktyg jag nyttjar mig av i mitt måleri, dock inte ...
    • Panta Rhei (Everything Flows) 

      Bengtsson, My (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Genom essän ”The art of Anthropology, chapter 6: Vogel´s Net Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps” har jag kommit att reflektera över de föremål jag skapar som konst och fått bekräftelse på “varför” jag och andra betraktar ...
    • Place, boundaries and the essentials - A Mexican spice boiled into the Scandinavian Space 

      Roura, Enrique (Master thesis, 2016)
      The following text, along with an art installation in the Master exhibition (2016), at TKM Gråmølna (Trondheim, Norway), are the result of an artistic research, in order to obtain the Master degree in Fine Arts (MFA). It ...
    • Plastic Poseidon 

      Qian, Qianhui (Master thesis, 2020)
      Plastic Poseidon is a struggle between industrialized human society and the forces of nature. In the mythology, Poseidon was the god of the sea and water, whose power rivaled the inexhaustible vitality of the earth and the ...
    • Proxistant Vision 

      Miletic, Dragan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:340, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Intrigued by the surge of aerial imaging technologies such as observation wheels, drones, and satellites in the past two decades, this artistic research delves into the intricate connections between these technologies and ...

      Kolltveit, Dag Olav (Master thesis, 2024)
      SAMMENDRAG RYTME: DANSE UTEN MUSIKK - Dag Olav Kolltveit "Overalt hvor det er interaksjon mellom et sted, en tid og et energiforbruk, er det rytme." - Henri Lefebvre Hva kan gjøres med en rytme? Denne oppgaven utforsker ...
    • Rose, In Dialogue With 

      Fraser, Tara. (Master thesis, 2024)
      Rose, In Dialogue With er skrevet for å akkompagnere en en-til-en interaktiv forestilling med tittelen Rose Awaits. Forestillingen er kulminasjonen av et praksisbasert forskningsprosjekt som startet med en interesse for ...
    • Ruins - Chapter I: Codename Bourji 

      Debs, Oscar (Master thesis, 2020)
      According to a rumor by my mother's grandfather, Nour el-Houda is related to my family. Via a quest to yet discover Nour El-Houda's exact kinship and childhood in my hometown, the film is a partly improvised, autobiographicized ...
    • Sensitive Content: Exploring the Socio-Political Landscape of the Middle East through Computer-based Interactive Art 

      Mollazadeh, Ehsan (Master thesis, 2024)
      Denne oppgaven har som mål å utforske det komplekse sosio-politiske landskapet i Midtøsten, og mitt kunstverk har som mål å utforske medielandskapene i liberale demokratier sammenlignet med illiberale regimer i regionen ...
    • Shoot! Don’t Talk 

      Shani, Yanir (Master thesis, 2017)
      “Home is my physical body. Home is nature, Earth. The feeling of home is something different. It’s an exchange of unconditional love between human beings. It’s a compassionate energy, which makes you feel safe and gives ...
    • Signaling 

      Wiatr Lewis, Amalia (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven utforsker ideene og konseptene bak prosjektet mitt med tittelen Signalering. Signalering er et prosjekt bygget på fellesskap, samarbeid og møte. Den er laget i samarbeid med mycelet av østerssopp, fem ...
    • Simultaneous existence 

      Barslund, Thea Oda (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne bacheloropgave udfolder jeg min kunstneriske praksis gennem min læsning af Donna Haraways ikoniske essay indenfor feministisk litteratur: Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the ...
    • Singing Bridges 360 

      Rose, Jodi (Master thesis, 2022)
      This artistic research thesis investigates the sounding of mythological, cultural and sonic vibrations resonating through Singing Bridges, in a series of poetic reflections exploring the bridge from 360° angles. Encompassing ...