Browsing Institutt for arkitektur og planlegging by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 687
A cross-country perspective on solar energy in urban planning: Lessons learned from international case studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This work, framed in the IEA SHC Task 51 “Solar Energy in Urban Planning”, presents an illustrative perspective of solar energy in urban planning through the analysis of 34 international case studies conducted in 10 ... -
A Global ‘Urban Roller Coaster’? Connectivity Changes in theWorld City Network, 2000–2004
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)A global "urban roller coaster"? Connectivity changes in the world city network, 2000–2004, Regional Studies. A network model is used to assess the nature of change in intercity relations from 2000 to 2004. Data are collected ... -
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:360, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Land (areal) er en verdifull ressurs ved gjenoppbygging og gjenervervelse etter krig. Gjenoppretting av retten til land for de som returnerer er en livsviktig del av prosessen for å komme seg. Areal er en betydningsfull ... -
A re-design of Prinsens gate for improving bus, pedestrian and micromobility experiences.
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven utforsker et potensielt re-design av Prinsens gate i Trondheim for å forbedre funksjonaliteten for fotgjengere, brukere av mikromobilitet og busser, samtidig som biltrafikken omlegges. Studien tar for seg ... -
A Review of Systems and Technologies for Smart Homes and Smart Grids
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In the actual era of smart homes and smart grids, advanced technological systems that allow the automation of domestic tasks are developing rapidly. There are numerous technologies and applications that can be installed ... -
A Smart City Ecosystem Enabling Open Innovation
(Chapter, 2019)In this position paper we present IT-centered challenges that lie in designing an architecture for a flexible, open, transferable, and replicable smart city ecosystem spanning a plethora of suppliers and systems. The ... -
A spatial approach to transformational change: Strategic alignment of the spatial and cultural environment
(Journal article, 2017)Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how strategic alignment of the corporations’ real estate with the organisational strategy may be used to facilitate change within an organisation’s collaborative culture. ... -
A three-step process for reporting progress in detail engineering using BIM, based on experiences from oil and gas projects
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose Traditionally, progress in detail engineering in construction projects is reported based on estimates and manual input from the disciplines in the engineering team. Reporting progress on activities in an engineering ... -
A transition to a denser and more sustainable city: Factors and actors in Trondheim, Norway
(Journal article, 2017)This paper analyses urban densification in Norway as a key element of sustainable city policies. The city is viewed as a system in which changes of material aspects, such as density, are linked with social and technological ... -
A walk through Europe
(Master thesis, 2024)Verden står overfor enorme utfordringer i årene som kommer. Samfunns- og klima- og miljøutfordringer som krever store tiltak. Gåing kan høres ut som en dråpe i havet sammenlignet med alle andre nødvendige tiltak for å møte ... -
Academic Work - Something Else?
(Chapter, 2022)Purpose – Academics can be defined as knowledge workers, but not all knowledge workers are academics. The academic workplace has for a long time been associated with individual cellular offices. There is now a change in ... -
Across the Boundaries of Epistemic Knowledge: Future Shaping Through Digitalisation Frameworks for FM
(Book, 2023)Background and aim - Currently, new opportunities and potentials arising from digitalisation and digital twins do not stretch far enough into the future of the built environment, particularly for FM. Better visioning of ... -
(Chapter, 2017)Real estate is a product with a high economic value, a long technical life cycle and a large spatial-physical impact. That is why it is of great societal importance to use real estate as efficient as possible. To enable a ... -
Adgang til kollektivtransport
(Master thesis, 2022)I nasjonal transportplan er det satt et mål om å redusere biltrafikken og øke antall gående, syklende og kollektivreisende. Det er bred enighet om at det er behov for å jobbe mer målrettet med samordnet areal- og ... -
Aesthetic Preference as Starting Point for Citizen Dialogues: Stories from Hammarkullen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article sets out to describe the role of aesthetics in citizen dialogues during the upgrading of a local swimming pool in Hammarkullen, Gothenburg. The swimming pool became an important project because of its role in ... -
“After the floods, he says he is an environmentalist”: Understanding blended roles and organizational boundaries in decision-making under uncertainty during unprecedented floods in Wayanad, India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)An increase in unprecedented environmental crises as a result of climate change and human influence has amplified calls for recognizing the complexity of decision-making under uncertainty (DMUU). How decision-makers act ... -
Akkvisisjonsprosessens påvirkning av selskapers størrelse, beliggenhet og risikovillighet
(Master thesis, 2021)I denne oppgaven legges det til grunn en antakelse om at akkvisisjonsprosessen påvirkes av selskapets beliggenhet, størrelse og risikovillighet. For undersøke hvordan de nevnte faktorene påvirker, ble oppgavens problemstillingen: ... -
Aldersvennelig stedsutvikling - En kvalitativ studie om eldre og offentlige rom i trondheim
(Master thesis, 2022)Ifølge SSBs hovedalternativ vil det innen 10 år for første gang bli flere eldre (65+ år) enn barn og unge (0-19 år) i Norge. Videre i 2020 utgjorde aldersgruppen 80 år og eldre 4,3 prosent av befolkningen. I 2040 vil denne ... -
Aldersvennlig stedsutvikling
(Master thesis, 2022)Det er faktum at det skjer en forskyvning i befolkningssammensetningen. Befolkningen blir stadig eldre. De sosioøkonomiske konsekvensene av denne forskyvningen, vil kunne bli store ettersom det blir færre omsorgspersoner ... -
Aligning AEC Projects with Corporate Strategy: Project Governance as a Mean for Strategic Effect
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:307, Doctoral thesis, 2017)In the thesis Hallgrim Hjelmbrekke raise the main question concerning how Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) projects can be better aligned to business strategies from an owner perspective. In general, any ...