Institutt for arkitektur og planlegging
Recent Submissions
Mapping and Assessing Effective Participatory Planning Processes for Urban Green Spaces in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Diverse Communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The multicultural landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand presents a rich tapestry of diversity and community needs, underscoring an imperative for inclusive participatory planning processes. This paper presents findings from ... -
On the difference between project management success and project success
(Chapter, 2013)In construction projects, the perspective of the supply side (as represented by the design team) should converge with the business logics directing the demand side. Project management success is measured against the ... -
Spatio-Temporal Challenges in Understanding your (Smart) City
(Chapter, 2024)In this talk, we will explore challenges and opportunities of spatio-temporal information access as connecting temporal and spatial dimensions of mining and analysis. We focus on use cases and examples in the development ... -
Implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Transitions in Positive Energy Districts
(Chapter, 2024)This paper examines Smart Cities transition with the focus on urban mobility. We demonstrate how a multi-stakeholder, multidisciplinary approach can support integration of systems, data, people, and organisations with a ... -
Kontorutforming hos høgskoler og universiteter
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke erfaringer med ulike arbeidsplasskonsepter. De siste årene har man gått fra cellekontor til mer åpne kontorlandskap og aktivitetsbaserte kontorlandskap. Det er også oppstått egene firmaer ... -
Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process
(ZEN Report;, Research report, 2024)Barriers and good practices in ambitious projects How can we ensure good processes before, during and after the realization of a zero-emission area? How can we ensure that buildings are realized as intended? Why do we ... -
Miljøsertifisering av boligprosjekter
(Master thesis, 2023)Bærekraft er et svært dagsaktuelt tema, og bygge, anleggs- og eiendomsnæringen er en av verstingene når det kommer til klimagassutslipp, avfall og energibruk. Byggingen av bærekraftige og miljøvennlige eiendomsprosjekter ... -
Across the Boundaries of Epistemic Knowledge: Future Shaping Through Digitalisation Frameworks for FM
(Book, 2023)Background and aim - Currently, new opportunities and potentials arising from digitalisation and digital twins do not stretch far enough into the future of the built environment, particularly for FM. Better visioning of ... -
Exploring Vulnerability Indicators: Tourist Impact on Cultural Heritage Sites in High Arctic Svalbard
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article reports findings from two research projects that aimed to understand the vulnerabilities of cultural heritage sites in Svalbard and investigated factors that influence tourism-induced pressures and site ... -
Running Towards the Fire: Navigating Compounded Uncertainty through Contextualised Contingency Planning during Unprecedented Flooding in Wayanad, Kerala
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:65, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Since time immemorial, the world has witnessed short- and long-term uncertainties of various intensities. This is due to a combination of shocks and stresses caused by climate change, environmental hazards, economic crises, ... -
Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods
(ZEN Report;, Research report, 2024) -
Medvirkning ved utforming og bruk av fellesarealer i utleieboliger
(Research report, 2023) -
The Role of Public Sector Buyers: Infuencing Systemic Change in the Construction Sector
(Chapter, 2023)Construction machinery is essential to all construction projects and is also a significant contributor to both air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Non-Road Mobile Machinery Market (NRMM), otherwise known ... -
Planning for recreational cycling: Exploring a flow-based framework for placemaking and urban vitality in Zwolle, the Netherlands
(Master thesis, 2023)This master’s Thesis explores the possibility of developing a framework relating Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow & recreational cycling, for the purpose of improving cycle routes. These proof-of-concept trials took place ... -
Shifts in the smart research agenda? 100 priority questions to accelerate sustainable energy futures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Energy transitions are at the top of global agendas in response to the growing challenges of climate change and international conflict, with the EU positioning itself as playing a pivotal role in addressing climate risks ... -
Midlertidig fysisk tiltak som virkemiddel for å fremme gange i små norske byer
(Master thesis, 2023)Gange som transportmiddel blir stadig mer aktuelt i diskusjoner om byutvikling – og bytransport. I 2012 utga Statens vegvesen Nasjonal gåstrategi med to hovedmål: det skal være attraktivt å gå for alle, og flere skal gå ... -
Urbanisation and land-cover change affect functional, but not compositional turnover of bird communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are fenestrated endothelial cells with a unique, high endocytic clearance capacity for blood-borne waste macromolecules and colloids. This LSEC scavenger function has been ... -
Shared Spaces and Mobilities for Sustainable Cities from the lens of Social Practice Theory The cases of Santiago and Oslo Metropolitan Regions
(Master thesis, 2023)The discussion surrounding shared infrastructure has gained notoriety in recent years as the Sharing Economy phenomenon has entered the urban field, aided by Smart city solutions that enable this modern lifestyle. There ... -
Equinor going Vested
(Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å utforske den relasjonsbaserte forretningsmodellen Vested gjennom en case-studie av Facility Management i Equinor. Vested-metoden består av fem regler som må følges i implementeringsprosessen, ... -
Tilhørighet og byplanlegging i byer som gjennomgår ekstrem utvidelse og utvikling: casestudiet om Lillestrøm by
(Master thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Denne tesen er en oppgavebasert mastertese. Her utforskers temaet tilhørighet, med sterkt fokus på byer som har opplevd og opplever massiv vekst. Oppgaven har Lillestrøm sentrum som caseoppgave, en by som har ...