Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Comparison of organic and conventional food and food Production. Part I: Plant health and plant production
Sundheim, Leif; Hofsvang, Trond; Magnusson, Christer; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Brandsæter, Lars Olav; Brodal, Guro; Remberg, Siv Fagertun; Uhlen, Anne Kjersti; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Arukwe, Augustine; Bernhoft, Aksel; Bøe, Knut Egil; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Krogdahl, Åshild; Källqvist, Torsten; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Næss, Bjørn; Rafoss, Trond; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Sletten, Arild; Solheim, Halvor; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Torrissen, Ole; Tronsmo, Anne Marte; Økland, Bjørn Inge; Alexander, Jan (VKM Report;, Research report, 2014)Organic plant production in 2012 covered 50 200 ha which is 5.1% of the total agricultural area of Norway. The country is on the northern frontier for commercial plant production with short growing season, low summer ... -
Description of the processes in the value chain and risk assessment of decomposition substances and oxidation products in fish Oils. Opinion of Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Aursand, Marit; Hamre, Kristin; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Maage, Amund; Arukwe, Augustine; Alexander, Jan; Amlund, Heidi; Bernhoft, Aksel; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Krogdahl, Åshild; Haugen, Margaretha; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Lassen, Jørgen Fr; Nerland, Audun Helge; Nesse, Live Lingaas; Næss, Bjørn; Ringø, Einar; Ruus, Anders; Skåre, Janneche Utne; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Sundheim, Leif; Sverdrup, Line Emilie; Svihus, Birger; Thomsen, Cathrine; Torrissen, Ole; Østerås, Olav; Torstensen, Bente Elisabeth; Ørnsrud, Robin; Mozuraityte, Revilija (VKM Report;, Research report, 2011)The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (VKM) has been asked by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to perform a health risk assessment on decomposition substances and oxidation products ... -
Food and chemical substances relevant for monitoring. Report from the Scientific Steering Committee of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment.
Svendsen, Camilla; Amlund, Heidi; Carlsen, Monica Hauger; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Husøy, Trine; Lillegaard, Inger Therese Laugsand; Mathisen, Gro Haarklou; Medin, Anine Christine; Ørnsrud, Robin; Agdestein, Angelika; Bergh, Øivind; Bodin, Johanna; Bruzell, Ellen; Elvevoll, Edel O.; Hessen, Dag Olav; Hofshagen, Merethe; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Krogdahl, Åshild; Nilsen, Asbjørn Magne; Rafoss, Trond; Skjerdal, Taran; Steffensen, Inger-Lise Karin; Strand, Tor A.; Velle, Gaute; Hemre, Gro Ingunn; Vandvik, Vigdis; Alexander, Jan (Research report, 2022) -
Forhold mellom BaP og PAH4 i skjell og konsekvenser for gjeldende kostholdsråd i Norge. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Amlund, Heidi; Arukwe, Augustine; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Ruus, Anders; Thomsen, Cathrine (VKM Report, Research report, 2011)Sjøbunnen i ulike områder langs norskekysten kan være forurenset med polysykliske aromatiske hydrokarboner (PAH) (”tjærestoffer”) på grunn av pågående eller tidligere industriell aktivitet, eller annen påvirkning. Flere ... -
New WHO TEFs for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs: Assessment of consequence of altered TEF values for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs on current exposure in the Norwegian population
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine; Eggen, Trine; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Grave, Kari; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Måge, Amund; Ruus, Anders (VKM Report;, Research report, 2007) -
Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety. 22 November 2007. Risk assessment of dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in fish liver
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine; Eggen, Trine; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Grave, Kari; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Måge, Amund; Ruus, Anders (VKM Report;, Research report, 2007) -
Risikovurdering av PAH i skjell. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine; Eggen, Trine; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Grave, Kari; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Måge, Amund; Ruus, Anders (VKM Report;, Research report, 2006) -
Risk assessment of furan exposure in the Norwegian population. Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics and the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Husøy, Trine; Alexander, Jan; Amlund, Heidi; Arukwe, Augustine; Binderup, Mona-Lise; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Dahl, Knut Helkås; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Granum, Berit; Grave, Kari; Hetland, Ragna Bogen; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Paulsen, Jan Erik; Ruus, Anders; Sanner, Tore; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Thomsen, Cathrine; Thrane, Vibeke; Skåre, Janneche Utne (VKM Report;, Research report, 2012)The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) has on request of The Norwegian Food Safety Authority performed a risk assessment of furan intake in the Norwegian population ... -
Risk assessment of lead exposure from cervid meat in Norwegian consumers and in hunting dogs. Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Ruus, Anders; Thomsen, Cathrine; Amlund, Heidi; Arukwe, Augustine; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Skåre, Janneche Utne (VKM Report;, Research report, 2013)Lead is a naturally occurring heavy metal found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. Lead is also an environmental contaminant due to human activities. Humans and animals are exposed to lead through food, drinking water, ... -
Risk assessment of non dioxin-like PCBs in Norwegian food. Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Alexander, Jan; Arukwe, Augustine; Eggen, Trine; Eriksen, Annette Klingenberg; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Grave, Kari; Måge, Amund; Ruus, Anders; Skåre, Janneche Utne (VKM Report;, Research report, 2008) -
Risk assessment of the exposure to aluminium through food and the use of cosmetic products in the Norwegian population. Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids, Materials in Contact with Food and Cosmetics and of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Amlund, Heidi; Granum, Berit; Ruus, Anders; Lillegaard, Inger Therese L.; Steffensen, Inger-Lise; Alexander, Jan; Binderup, Mona-Lise; Dahl, Knut Helkås; Hetland, Ragna Bogen; Husøy, Trine; Paulsen, Jan Erik; Sanner, Tore; Thrane, Vibeke; Arukwe, Augustine; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Thomsen, Cathrine; Skåre, Janneche Utne (VKM Report;, Research report, 2013)The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety (Vitenskapskomiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) has on request of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority performed a risk assessment of aluminium exposure though food and the use ... -
Scenariofremstilling: inntak av dioksiner og PCB fra krabbe. Uttalelse fra Faggruppen for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester i matkjeden
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Amlund, Heidi; Arukwe, Augustine; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Ruus, Anders; Thomsen, Cathrine; Grave, Kari (VKM Report;, Research report, 2010)Det er fastsatt øvre grenseverdier for dioksiner og dioksinliknende (dl) PCB i næringsmidler inkludert hvitt krabbekjøtt, men ikke i brun krabbemat. I tilknytning til sterkt forurensede områder langs kysten har Mattilsynet ... -
Zearalenone exposure from breakfast cereals in Norwegian children. Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Skåre, Janneche Utne; Amlund, Heidi; Arukwe, Augustine; Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Eriksen, Gunnar Sundstøl; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Knutsen, Helle Katrine; Ruus, Anders (VKM report;, Research report, 2012)