Browsing NTNU Open by Title
Now showing items 106047-106066 of 106806
YA Refugee Literature as Sustainable Pedagogy: Ethics and Affect in the English Classroom
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:160, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Norsk sammendrag Gjennom å kombinere det teoretiske rammeverket fra flyktningstudier, feministisk kritisk teori, og pedagogiske studier, undersøker denne avhandlingen samtidslitteratur om flyktninger for unge voksne som ... -
A Yak, Na rak and Potalaka: Folios of the So-Called "Gyalpo Kachem" in US Museum Collections
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
YAML Based Input File Format For Finite Element Analysis
(Master thesis, 2019)Elementmetoden kan brukes til å utføre datasimuleringer (FEA) av fysiske fenomener og er mye brukt innen konstruksjon og maskinteknikk. Siden FEA innebærer arbeidskrevende beregninger utføres det best av en datamaskin, ... -
Yang-Mills connections on quantum Heisenberg manifolds
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We investigate critical points and minimizers of the Yang-Mills functional YM on quantum Heisenberg manifolds Dc µν, where the Yang-Mills functional is defined on the set of all compatible linear connections on finitely ... - - A Group Recommendation System for Real Estate
(Master thesis, 2018)Can you afford to buy a place of your own? If you could, how would you go about finding it? Due to rising real estate prices in cities all over the world, more people than ever choose to rent in shared accommodations to ... -
Yara Porsgrunn og kvalitetsledelse
(Bachelor thesis, 2015)NORSK: I denne oppgaven har vi ønsket å se på hvordan kvalitetsledelse kan bidra til at Yara Porsgrunn er verdens største gjødselsprodusent, selv om de holder til i høykostlandet Norge. At det ble akkurat kvalitetsledelse ... -
Yard Logistics: Framework and Classification of Yard Types
(Chapter, 2024) -
Yaw Error Estimation on the NREL 5-MW Offshore Baseline Wind Turbine
(Master thesis, 2023)Utviklingen av beregningseffektive og nøyaktige inflow-dynamikker, sammen med økende beregningskapasitet, muliggjør undersøkelse av den relativt uutforskede tilnærmingen til tilstandsestimering for å finne et feilestimat ... -
Yaw misalignment in powertrain degradation modeling for wind farm control in curtailed conditions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)A framework characterizing the degradation of wind turbines for use in multiple-input damage-aware farm control is suggested. The focus is on the fatigue damage of the powertrain (drivetrain + generator) system, but the ... -
Yaw-effekter på vindturbiner
(Master thesis, 2010)En vindturbin med skjev innstrømning er behandlet ved hjelp av bladelementmetoden. Det har vist seg av metoden kan, ved hjelp av noen modifiseringer, også kan benyttes for å regne på vindturbiner med skjev innstrømning. ... -
Yb-Doped Fiber Lasers Operating in the Range of 1147-1200 nm
(Chapter, 2012)Pump source brightness and heat production per unit fiber length were found to be the critical parameters for the realized and investigated Yb-doped fiber lasers operating in the range of 1147-1200 nm. -
Yb-Tm energy transfer in Y-codoped fibers
(Chapter, 2013)Experimental investigation of Yb-Tm energy transfer process in Yb/Tm-doped fibers with Y-codoping provided a fairly high energy transfer efficiency of 50 %, making lasers based on these glass fibers attractive for diode-pumping ... -
YDFL Operating in 1150-1200-nm Spectral Domain
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)A family of high-power Yb-doped fiber lasers operated in the range of 1150–1180 nm with output powers of up to 35 W and optical efficiencies up to 60% is realized. Operation at 1200 nm is also demonstrated. Amplified ... -
Ye'kolo-temari: Children's Perspectives on Education, Mobility, Social Life and Livelihood in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) Traditional School in Dangila
(Master thesis, 2012)The goal of this study was to explore Yek’olo-temari children’s perspective on education, mobility, livelihood and social life in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC) traditional school. It was conducted based on two months ... -
(Master thesis, 2023)I møte med en verden i endring, preget av klimautfordringer har regionale og lokale myndigheter verden over et særskilt ansvar. Så vel norsk næringsliv som norske kommuner må endre sine prioriteringer og handle. Stadig ... -
‘Yi dai yi lu’ – China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ and the Xinjiang-Uyghur issue: Geopolitical implications in Central Asia.
(Master thesis, 2023)Belt and Road Initiative ble lansert av den kinesiske presidenten Xi Jinping i 2013, og har siden blitt et svært omdiskutert tema innenfor både utenrikspolitikk og geopolitikk. Faglitteraturen på feltet begir seg ofte ut ... -
Yield - En sammenfallende oppfattelse innen næringseiendom?
(Master thesis, 2010) -
Yield improvements in anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic feedstocks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The new EU bioenergy sustainability criteria demonstrate that bioenergy sustainability can be a challenge (Schlegel and Kaphengst, 2007). In 1990s, the energy crops were the main source for biogas production in Europa; ... -
Yield-increasing additives in kraft pulping: Effect on carbohydrate retention, composition and handsheet properties
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:137, Doctoral thesis, 2008) -
YKL-40 (Chitinase-3-Like Protein 1) Serum Levels in Aortic Stenosis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)BACKGROUND: Identification of novel biomarkers could provide prognostic information and improve risk stratification in patients with aortic stenosis (AS). YKL-40 (chitinase-3-like protein 1), a protein involved in ...