Now showing items 41331-41350 of 105870

    • GPS Guided R/C Car: The Local Bug Test Platform 

      Wenstad, Peder (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis is a part of the Local Hawk student project where the overall goal is to develop a Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV). The project was initiated by Kongsberg Defence Systems (KDS) and is developed in ...
    • GPS Sporing som grunnlag for ny fartsmodell for syklister: En vurdering av offentlig tilgjengelig GPS-data som grunnlag til sykkelmodellering 

      Jørgensen, Christoffer Viena (Master thesis, 2014)
      Bruken av GPS-data i transportforskning er ikke en ny tanke, men data som ligger offentlig tilgjengelig på internett har blitt viet liten til ingen oppmerksomhet. I denne oppgaven skal en prøve å vurdere potensialet til ...
    • GPS-applikasjon for párørende/omsorgspersoner av personer med demens 

      Aaland, Karoline (Master thesis, 2014)
      Denne masteroppgaven er gjennomført ved Institutt for Produktdesign vedNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet i Trondheim (NTNU).Målet med oppgaven har vært å utvikle en GPS-basert applikasjon for pårørendeav ...
    • GPS-IMU Integration for a Snake Robot with Active Wheels 

      García Estébanez, Jesús (Master thesis, 2009)
      A snake robot will be defined herein as any multilink robot for whose shape and motion capabilities are reminiscent of a snake like PiKo [1]. PiKo is a five links snake robot with active wheels designed by SINTEF in ...
    • GPS-mottaker 

      Engelien, Elin; Oppegård, Karl Otto; Åsberg, Simen Andrè (Bachelor thesis, 2001)
      Et av arbeidsområdene ved Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt er klimaforskning. Til dette brukes blant annet raketter med måleinstrumenter som skytes ut i atmosfæren. Etter at rakettens ferd er over er det ønskelig å finne ...
    • GPS-teknologi for å leve et aktivt liv, og ikke bare overleve. - En litteraturstudie 

      Moldskred, Åshild (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunn: Andelen eldre over 80 øker og antallet personer med demens er ventet å dobles de nærmeste tiårene. Derfor letes det etter løsninger som kan muliggjøre aktivitet og gjøre at brukergruppen kan bo hjemme så lenge ...
    • GPU accelerated Fourier Ptychography 

      Treland, Anders Nikolai (Master thesis, 2020)
      Fourier Ptychography er en nylig utviklet teknikk innenfor beregningsbasert mik- roskopi, som rekonstruerer et høyoppløselig bilde, med stort synsfelt, ut i fra et sett med lavoppløselige mikroskop-bilder. En programmerbar ...
    • GPU Accelerated NIDS Search 

      Nordhaug, Kristian (Master thesis, 2012)
      ENGELSK: Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) analyzes network traffic for malicious activities and report’s findings from events that intend to compromise the security of the computers and other equipment. NIDS ...
    • GPU acceleration of liver enhancement for tumor segmentation 

      Naseem, Rabia; Cheikh, Faouzi Alaya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Background and objective: Medical image segmentation plays a vital role in medical image analysis. There are many algorithms developed for medical image segmentation which are based on edge or region characteristics. These ...
    • GPU Computing with Python: Performance, Energy Efficiency and Usability 

      Holm, Håvard Heitlo; Brodtkorb, André R.; Sætra, Martin Lilleeng (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In this work, we examine the performance, energy efficiency, and usability when using Python for developing high-performance computing codes running on the graphics processing unit (GPU). We investigate the portability of ...
    • GPU Implementation of Aliasing-Resistant Blood Flow Estimation Using Doppler Ultrasound 

      Braserud, Emil (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven presenterer en ny metode for aliasing-korreksjon av Doppler ultralydmålinger, og en pipeline fra beamforming, til blodstrøms-estimasjon på en GPU/Tensorflow platform er presentert. Metoden bruker Doppler ...
    • GPU-Accelerated Visualization of Scattered Point Data 

      Falch, Thomas Løfsgaard; Fløystad, Jostein Bø; Breiby, Dag Werner; Elster, Anne C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      As data sets continue to grow in size, visualization has become a vitally important tool for extracting meaningful knowledge. Scattered point data, which are unordered sets of point coordinates with associated measured ...
    • GPU-Based Airway Tree Segmentation and Centerline Extraction 

      Smistad, Erik (Master thesis, 2012)
      Lung cancer is one of the deadliest and most common types of cancer inNorway. Early and precise diagnosis is crucial for improving the survivalrate. Diagnosis is often done by extracting a tissue sample in the lung throughthe ...
    • GPU-based Real-Time Snow Avalanche Simulations 

      Krog, Øystein Eklund (Master thesis, 2010)
      Snow is a physical phenomenon that is hard to simulate due to the wide range of behaviors that can be found. Snow avalanches are of interest due to their complex physical properties and because they can have a very high ...
    • GPU-Enabled Interactive Pore Detection for 3D Rock Visualization 

      Hesland, Henrik Falch (Master thesis, 2009)
      Visualization of porous media is of great importance to several scientific fields, including the petroleum technology. The topic of this thesis arises from our collaborations with The Center for Integrated Operations in ...
    • GPU-enabled Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-Based Method for Cardiac Fiber Computations 

      Håkonsen, Iver (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kardiologi er et viktig felt innenfor medisin, og muligheten til å presist simulere hjertefunksjoner er av stor interesse i modellering av hjerte. Informasjon om ori- enteringen til hjertefibre er en essensiell del av mange ...
    • GPU-FAST-PROCLUS: A Fast GPU-parallelized Approach to Projected Clustering 

      Jørgensen, Jakob Rødagaard; Scheel, Katrine; Assent, Ira; Ram, Ajeet; Elster, Anne C. (Journal article, 2022)
      Projected and subspace clustering aim to find groups of similar objects within a subspace of the full-dimensional space. Where subspace clustering tries to identify clusters in all possible subspaces, projected clustering ...
    • GQCCM: An evaluation strategy for collaborative social innovation platforms - Growth, Quality, Collaboration, Creativity & Motivation 

      Li, Jie (Master thesis, 2018)
      Social innovation is on the rise and this thesis aims to learn from practice to better facilitate further development and contribute to theory. Collaborative social innovation platforms are not well understood although ...
    • GRACE-derived ice-mass loss spread over Greenland 

      Nahavandchi, Hossein; Joodaki, Gholamreza; Schwartz, Vegar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)
      The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) monthly satellite data is used to examine the extent and magnitude of Greenland ice sheet melting for 2003-2012. We show that the well documented Greenland ice mass loss ...
    • Graceful Ageing of Products 

      Goosink, Bram (Master thesis, 2020)
      Products, regardless of their utility, face the challenge of time. Whether it is through wear and tear, changes in personal and societal values, or incompatibility with unforeseen technological advancement, very few designs ...