• Ultrafast Optical and Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy on Condensed Matter 

      Lysne, Erik Nikolai (Master thesis, 2017)
      In this masters project, an ultrafast optical spectroscopy system has been constructed and tested. The system was built as an extension to an existing spectroscopy system, centered around a mode-locked Ti:Sapphire femtosecond ...
    • Ultrafast self-healing and highly transparent coating with mechanically durable icephobicity 

      Zhuo, Yizhi; Xiao, Senbo; Håkonsen, Verner; Li, Tong; Wang, Feng; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Excessive ice accretion on infrastructures can lead to severe damage and dysfunction. In the context of combating the build-up of unwanted icing and at the same time maintaining sunlight permeation, for instance on solar ...
    • Ultrafast Spectroscopic Studies of Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Thin-Films on SrTiO3 

      Bergsagel, Øystein Johannes (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this masters thesis ultrafast spectroscopic studies have been performed on single-crystal 111 strontium titanate, SrTiO3, and pulsed-laser deposited (PLD) thin-films of ferroelectric barium titante, BaTiO3. This has ...
    • Ultrafast Two-Magnon Excitation in Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnetic Insulators 

      Haug, Trond Hjerpekjøn (Master thesis, 2020)
      Spinneksitasjoner i todimensjonale antiferromagnetiske materialer manifesteres som spinnbølger som også er kjent som magnoner. Magnoner er bosoniske kvasipartikler som kan eksiteres ved hjelp av en laserindusert forstyrrelse ...
    • Ultrafiltration of Partially Degraded Starch Solution 

      Demessie, Berhanu (Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:87, Doctoral thesis, 2002)
      Desizing wastewater is largely responsible for the chemical oxygen demand (COD) load in the textile industry wastewater. A larger portion of COD comes from degraded starch in desizing wastewater. Removing the starch from ...
    • Ultrafiltration of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Protein Hydrolysates and Its Effect on Antioxidative Activity 

      Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Rustad, Turid; Jensen, Ida-Johanne; Eiken, Elin; Pettersen, Stine Marie; Falch, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The whitefish industry generates a huge amount of rest raw material, which is currently wasted or underutilized in the production of low-value products such as animal feed. While fish muscle is the primary product of use ...
    • Ultrafine partikler fra øvelsesbranner: Kvantifisering av partikkelemisjoner gjennom brannforløp 

      Monstad, Steffen (Master thesis, 2021)
      Brannkonstabler er mer utsatt for visse sykdommer og helseplager enn den generelle befolkningen, deriblant ulike former for kreft og hjertesykdom. På grunn av koblingen til kreftrisiko har stadig flere studier blitt gjort ...
    • Ultrahigh thermoelectric performance in Cu2−ySe0.5S0.5 liquid-like materials 

      Zhao, Kunpeng; Qiu, Pengfei; Song, Qingfeng; Blichfeld, Anders Bank; Eikeland, Espen; Ren, Dudi; Ge, Binghui; Iversen, Bo B; Shi, Xun; Chen, Lidong (Journal article, 2017)
      Liquid-like thermoelectric materials have recently received heightened attentions due to their exceptional thermal and electrical transport properties. As a typical example, Cu2−ySe has good electrical transport properties ...
    • Ultrahigh-pressure form of Si O2 glass with dense pyrite-type crystalline homology 

      Murakami, M.; Kohara, S; Kitamura, N.; Akola, Jaakko; Inoue, H; Hirata, A; Hiraoka, Y; Onodera, Y; Obayashi, I; Kalikka, J; Hirao, N; Musso, T; Foster, Adam S; Idemoto, Y; Sakata, O; Ohishi, Y (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      High-pressure synthesis of denser glass has been a longstanding interest in condensed-matter physics and materials science because of its potentially broad industrial application. Nevertheless, understanding its nature ...
    • Ultrahigh-Pressure Nitrogen Arcs Burning Inside Cylindrical Tubes 

      Abid, Fahim; Niayesh, Kaveh; Støa-Aanensen, Nina Sasaki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      When the pressure and temperature of a fluid exceed a critical point, the fluid enters into the supercritical (SC) region. In this region, the physical properties are believed to be in favor of a good current interruption ...
    • Ultraprodukter og anvendelser i kommutativ algebra 

      Kleven, John Aslak Wee (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Denne oppgaven gir en introduksjon til ultraprodukter, med sikte for å gjøre algebra med dem. Ultraproduktet, en konstruksjon fra modellteorien, er et slags gjennomsnitt av objektene det tar inn: Et ultraprodukt av ringer ...
    • Ultrapure Wood Nanocellulose - Assessments of Coagulation and Initial Inflammation Potential 

      Nordli, Henriette R.; Pukstad, Brita; Chinga-Carrasco, Gary; Rokstad, Anne Mari (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Using a lepirudin-based human whole blood model, we evaluated the initial inflammatory and coagulation responses of dense and porous ultrapure (<50 endotoxin units/grams) cellulose nanofibrils (CNF), of carboxylated grade. ...
    • Ultraslow oscillations and emergence of sequential activity in the developing entorhinal cortex 

      Braun, Lea Marie (Master thesis, 2024)
      In the brain, the interaction of neurons leads to highly structured temporal patterns of neural activity coordination such as oscillations. One example brain region that exhibits oscillations is the medial entorhinal cortex ...
    • Ultrasonic degassing of TDG supersaturated, flowing water 

      Kuhn, Wolf Ludwig; Solemslie, Bjørn Winther; Hihn, Jean-Yves; Dahlhaug, Ole Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • Ultrasonic detection of decompression induced vascular microbubbles 

      Eftedal, Olav Sande (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:168, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      Gassbobler kan dannes i kroppen som følge av overmetning av gasser når man går opp til overflaten etter dykking. Det har lenge vært kjent at slike gassbobler kan føre til trykkfallsyke, men mekanismene bak er fortsatt ikke ...
    • Ultrasonic Evaluation of Clay Behind Casing 

      Storås, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2017)
      There's an increasing number of oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf that will go out of production in the coming years, resulting in a big demand for permanent plugging and abandonment (P&A) services. There are ...
    • Ultrasonic Evaluation of Well Integrity 

      Hoel, Kristian (Master thesis, 2014)
      This thesis presents the acoustic theory behind current ultrasonic cement evaluation tools. The UltraSonic Imager tool's pulse echo technique and the new Isolation Scanner tool's pitch-catch leaky lamb wave measuring ...
    • Ultrasonic focusing through a steel layer for acoustic imaging 

      Talberg, Andreas Sørbrøden; Dong, Hefeng; Johansen, Tonni Franke; Måsøy, Svein-Erik; Brekke, Svein; Rommetveit, Tarjei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Ultrasonic tools are being used for imaging in a large variety of fields, spanning from medical applications in a hospital to applications deep down in oil and gas wells. When applying ultrasonic imaging techniques to image ...
    • Ultrasonic imaging as a means of monitoring gonadal development in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) 

      Mlingi, Frank Thomas; Puvanendran, Velmurugu; Burgerhout, Erik; Tveiten, Helge; Tomkiewicz, Jonna; Kjørsvik, Elin; Mommens, Maren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The commercial farming of juvenile lumpfish requires monitoring of gonadal development to achieve synchronized production. Conventional methods such as gonadosomatic index (GSI), sex hormone analyses, gonadal histology, ...
    • Ultrasonic Imaging through Solids 

      Samuelsen, Elly (Master thesis, 2016)
      Ultrasonic testing is a widely used method, in the industry, for non destructive inspection of materials. The most commonly used technique is the pulse-echo technique where ultrasound is introduced into a test object and ...