• Autonomous Distributed 3D Radiation Field Estimation for Nuclear Environment Characterization 

      Mascarich, Frank; De Petris, Paolo; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2021)
      This paper contributes a method designed to enable autonomous distributed 3D nuclear radiation field mapping. The algorithm uses a single radiation sensor and a sequence of spatially distributed and robotically acquired ...
    • Autonomous Docking Control System for the Otter USV: A Machine Learning Approach 

      Bjering Strand, Henrik (Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne masteroppgaven utforsker muligheten for å bruke dyp forsterkende læring (eng. deep reinforcement learning, DRL) til å utvikle et autonomt dokkingsystem for en underaktuert overflatefarkost. Autonome marine fartøy er ...
    • Autonomous Docking for Marine Vessels Using a Lidar and Proximity Sensors. 

      Spange, Joachim (Master thesis, 2016)
      This thesis reviews the development of an autonomous docking feature for a marine vessel in a small-scale, sheltered, environment. Proximity sensors are added to aid the autonomous exploration by detecting obstacles outside ...
    • Autonomous Docking of Surface Vessels to Harbour using Mode-Based Hybrid Control 

      Birte Larsgård Steinsvik (Master thesis, 2019)
      Teknologien utviklar seg raskt og digitalisering er i vinden i alle delar av samfunnet. Den maritime industrien er ikkje eit unntak, og teknologiske løysingar vert implementert overalt for å auke effektivitet og sikkerheit. ...
    • Autonomous docking system of AUV 

      Jaehyeong Hwang (Master thesis, 2022)
      Performance for autonomous docking algorithm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) to the towed docking station has been done. While affected by external disturbance, cur- rent, the AUV finds its path to the docking station ...
    • Autonomous docking using direct optimal control 

      Martinsen, Andreas Bell; Lekkas, Anastasios M.; Gros, Sebastien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We propose a method for performing autonomous docking of marine vessels using numerical optimal control. The task is framed as a dynamic positioning problem, with the addition of spatial constraints that ensure collision ...
    • Autonomous Drifting of a 1:5 Scale Model Car 

      Jakobsen, Jakob Lieng (Master thesis, 2011)
      Current automotive safety systems restrict the vehicle to the linear region of operation where the sideslip angle is small. Recent research in the field has discovered that drifting possesses unstable equilibria in which ...
    • Autonomous Drilling Using Reinforcement Learning 

      Sjøvold, Eivind (Master thesis, 2021)
      Prosessen bak brønnboring krever store investeringer. Optimalisering av operasjonelle parametere med den henskikt å maksimere borerate(eng:rate of penetration (ROP)) er derfor et naturlig diskusjonstema. Optimalisering av ...
    • Autonomous Driving in Simulated Environments with Soft Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning 

      Opdahl, Markus (Master thesis, 2022)
      Autonomoe kjøretøy lover stor nytte for samfunnet. En potensiell måte å bygge disse systemene er gjennom ende-til-ende tilnærminger, som kan realiseres gjennom dyp læring og forsterkende læring (RL). Vi utforsker oppgaven ...
    • Autonomous driving of a small-scale electric truck model with dynamic wireless charging 

      Jon Eivind Stranden (Master thesis, 2019)
      Automated wireless power transfer can be seen as an enabling technology for autonomous vehicles. At SINTEF Energy Research a 1/14 scale electric truck model [13] had been used for demonstrating such technology. The truck ...
    • Autonomous Driving: Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction Tasks 

      Martinsen, Herman Ryen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Vision Transformers har blitt ekstremt populære innen dyp læring de seneste årene. Det hele startet i oktober 2020 da den aller første Vision Transformer-modellen ble lansert. Modellen hentet inspirasjon fra Transformer-modellen ...
    • Autonomous Drone Landing using Deep Reinforcement Learning 

      Tavakoli, Daniel (Master thesis, 2020)
      Landingsproblemet har lenge vært et omdiskutert forskningstema i reguleringsteknikkmiljøet. Et flertall av utviklede systemer har vært sterkt avhengig av omfattende modellering av den kontrollerte prosessen før man utnytter ...
    • Autonomous Drone Props in Theatre 

      Amtedal, Jakob Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne Bachelor’s oppgaven omhandler den potensielle bruken av droner i skuespill. Motivasjonen for ˚a ha flyvende droner i skuespill er ˚a kunne f˚a en mer fortryllende teateropplevelse med ˚a ha svevende rekvisitter i ...
    • Autonomous Drone with Object Pickup Capabilities 

      Kvæstad, Bjarne (Master thesis, 2016)
      The objective with this project was to create an autonomous drone with the capability to pick up, and deliver an object, without any human interference. This is an continuation of the work done during the pre-project. The ...
    • Autonomous E-Mobility as a Service - Final Report 

      Pitera, Kelly; Marinelli, Giuseppe (Research report, 2017)
      Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a systems-oriented approach of integration of numerous transport services into a single, seamless mobility service using a technology platform. Building on MaaS to incorporate both electric ...
    • Autonomous environmental monitoring probe for aquaculture sites 

      ramezaniakhmareh, alireza (Master thesis, 2012)
      This project aims to develop an instrument that is capable of moving vertically in a controlled manner along a taut string from the sea surface to a predetermined depth while measuring pertinent seawater parameters. The ...
    • Autonomous Exploration and General Visual Inspection of Ship Ballast Water Tanks using Aerial Robots 

      Dharmadhikari, Mihir; De Petris, Paolo; Kulkarni, Mihir; Khedekar, Nikhil Vijay; Nguyen, Dinh Huan; Stene, Arnt Erik; Sjøvold, Eivind; Solheim, Kristian; Gussiaas, Bente; Alexis, Konstantinos (Chapter, 2023)
      This paper presents a solution for the autonomous exploration and inspection of Ballast Water Tanks (BWTs) of marine vessels using aerial robots. Ballast tank compartments are critical for a vessel's safety and correspond ...
    • Autonomous Exploration for Marine Minerals 

      Sture, Øystein (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:393, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      The availability of minerals is essential for the production of goods and the development of sustainable technologies. The mineral demand is expected to increase in the coming years as a result of population growth and ...
    • Autonomous Flow-Based TSCH Scheduling for Heterogeneous Traffic Patterns: Challenges, Design, Simulation, and Testbed Evaluation 

      Urke, Andreas Ramstad; Kure, Øivind; Øvsthus, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The Industrial Internet of Things needs wireless communication with bounded latency and stronger robustness. Nodes employing the Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) MAC operate according to a schedule, and recent work on ...
    • Autonomous Flow-Through RGB and Hyperspectral Imaging for Unmanned Surface Vehicles 

      Haugum, Matias; Fragoso, Glaucia; Henriksen, Marie Bøe; Zolich, Artur; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article, 2023)
      The process of collecting samples for traditional microscopic analyses can be costly and time-consuming. We present the design of an autonomous flow-through imaging (AFTI) system tailored for small unmanned surface vehicles ...