• Quantitative time lapse seismic analysis - rock physics, repeatability and inversion aspects 

      Bhakta, Tuhin (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:127, Doctoral thesis, 2015)
      Quantitative prediction of pressure as well as saturation effects from time-lapse seismic data is one of the topics of interest for geophysical society since the last decade. Time-lapse amplitude variation with offset ...
    • Quantitative transcriptomics, and lipidomics in evaluating ovarian developmental effects in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) caged at a capped marine waste disposal site 

      Khan, Essa Ahsan; Zhang, Xiaokang; Hanna, Eileen Marie; Bartosova, Zdenka; Yadetie, Fekadu; Jonassen, Inge; Goksøyr, Anders; Arukwe, Augustine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In the present study, a previously capped waste disposal site at Kollevåg (Norway) was selected to study the effects of contaminant leakage on biomarkers associated with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) reproductive endocrinology ...
    • Quantitative Unique Continuation and Eigenvalue Bounds for the Laplacian 

      Berge, Stine Marie (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:285, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      I denne avhandlingen skal vi studere flere aspekter ved laplaceoperatoren, spesielt med hensyn på egenverdier og egenfunksjoner. En stor del av avhandlingen er dedikert til kvantitativ unik utvidelse ulikheter for harmoniske ...
    • Quantitatively Measuring Privacy in Interactive Query Settings Within RDBMS Framework 

      Khan, Muhammad Imran; Foley, Simon N.; O'Sullivan, Barry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Little attention has been paid to the measurement of risk to privacy in Database Management Systems, despite their prevalence as a modality of data access. This paper proposes PriDe, a quantitative privacy metric that ...
    • Quantm som erstatning for tradisjonelle linjevalgsmetoder 

      Matland, Ådne Himle (Master thesis, 2021)
      Quantm er et digitalt prosjekteringsverktøy fra teknologiselskapet Trimble som i de siste årene har fått mer og mer oppmerksomhet. Programmet skal angivelig gjøre valg og vurderinger av linjeføringer mer effektivt og ...
    • Quantum Cascade Laser for Spectroscopic Gas Detection 

      Sletbakk, Bjørn (Master thesis, 2007)
      In this project it has been focused on the use of a 7.42 um, 4 mW Quantum Cascade Laser in trace gas detection spectroscopy. Norsk Elektro Optikk (NEO) is in possession of a Nanoplus G2102/DFB2/5-12 QCL laser, that can be ...
    • Quantum Chemical Calculations on the Physisorption of Molecular Hydrogen on N-doped Graphene 

      Tveeikrem, Marit Elise Endresen (Master thesis, 2013)
      We have investigated the hydrogen storage ability of nitrogen substituted graphene, through studieson the adsorption by performing quantum chemistry calculations on the model system using the aug-cc-pVDZ basis set at MP2 ...
    • Quantum Chromodynamics in Strong Magnetic Fields with Isospin Chemical Potential 

      Grønli, Martin Spillum (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne avhandlingen studerer vi kvantekromodynamikk (QCD) med to kvarktyper ved lave energier. Vi inkluderer et eksternt magnetfelt og et endelig isospinn kjemisk potensial. Under disse forholdene vil grunntilstanden til ...
    • Quantum Confinement Effects on Solvatochromic Shifts of Molecular Solutes 

      Giovannini, Tommaso; Ambrosetti, Matteo; Cappelli, Chiara (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We demonstrate the pivotal role of quantum mechanics density confinement effects on solvatochromic shifts. In particular, by resorting to a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach capable of accounting for ...
    • Quantum corrections to slow-roll inflation: scalar and tensor modes 

      Andersen, Jens Oluf; Tranberg, Anders; Eriksson, Magdalena Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Inflation is often described through the dynamics of a scalar field, slow-rolling in a suitable potential. Ultimately, this inflaton must be identified with the expectation value of a quantum field, evolving in a quantum ...
    • Quantum cryptography and quantum cryptanalysis 

      Makarov, Vadim (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:67, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      This doctoral thesis summarizes research in quantum cryptography done at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) from 1998 through 2007. The opening ...
    • Quantum Error Mitigation for near-future Quantum Computation 

      Rokne, Anders Håøy (Master thesis, 2021)
      Kvantedatamaskiner har potensiale til å kunne løse spesifikke beregningsproblemer eksponentielt raskere enn noen klassisk datamaskin er i stand til. I nærliggende fremtid er derimot kvantedatamaskiner begrensede når det ...
    • Quantum fluctuations in the order parameter of quantum skyrmion crystals 

      Mæland, Kristian; Sudbø, Asle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Traditionally, skyrmions are treated as continuum magnetic textures of classical spins with a well-defined topological skyrmion number. Owing to their topological protection, skyrmions have attracted great interest as ...
    • Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review 

      Addazi, A.; Alvarez-Muniz, J.; Alves Batista, Batista; Amelino-Camelia, G.; Antonelli, V.; Arzano, M.; Asorey, M.; Atteia, J.-L.; Bahamonde, S.; Bajardi, F.; Ballesteros, A.; Baret, B.; Barreiros, D.M.; Basilakos, S.; Benisty, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Blanco-Pillado, J.J.; Blas, D.; Bolmont, J.; Boncioli, D.; Bosso, P.; Calcagni, G.; Capozziello, S.; Carmona, J.M.; Cerci, S.; Chernyakova, M.; Clesse, S.; Coelho, J.A.B.; Colak, S.M.; Cortes, J.L.; Das, S.; D'Esposito, V.; Demirci, M.; Di Luca, Luca; di Matteo, Matteo; Dimitrijevic, D.; Djordjevic, G.; Prester, D. Dominis; Eichhorn, A.; Ellis, J.; Escamilla-Rivera, C.; Fabiano, G.; Franchino-Viñas, S.A.; Frassino, A.M.; Frattulillo, D.; Funk, S.; Fuster, A.; Gamboa, J.; Gent, A.; Gergely, L.A.; Giammarchi, M.; Giesel, K.; Glicenstein, J.-F.; Gracia-Bondía, J.; Gracia-Ruiz, R.; Gubitosi, G.; Guendelman, E.I.; Gutierrez-Sagredo, I.; Haegel, L.; Heefer, S.; Held, A.; Herranz, F.J.; Hinderer, T.; Illana, J.I.; Ioannisian, A.; Jetzer, P.; Joaquim, F.R.; Kampert, K.-H.; Uysal, A. Karasu; Katori, T.; Kazarian, N.; Kerszberg, D.; Kowalski-Glikman, J.; Kuroyanagi, S.; Lämmerzahl, C.; Said, J. Levi; Liberati, S.; Lim, E.; Lobo, I.P.; López-Moya, M.; Luciano, G.G.; Manganaro, M.; Marcianò, A.; Martín-Moruno, P.; Martinez, Manel; Martinez, Mario; Martínez-Huerta, H.; Martínez-Miravé, P.; Masip, M.; Mattingly, D.; Mavromatos, N.; Mazumdar, A.; Méndez, F.; Mercati, F.; Micanovic, S.; Mielczarek, J.; Miller, A.L.; Milosevic, M.; Minic, D.; Miramonti, L.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moniz, P.; Mukherjee, S.; Nardini, Germano; Navas, S.; Niechciol, M.; Nielsen, A.B.; Obers, N.A.; Oikonomou, Foteini; Oriti, D.; Paganini, C.F.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.; Pasechnik, R.; Pasic, V.; Pérez de los Heros, de; Pfeifer, C.; Pieroni, M.; Piran, T.; Platania, A.; Rastgoo, S.; Relancio, J.J.; Reyes, M.A.; Ricciardone, Angelo; Risse, M.; Frias, M.D. Rodriguez; Rosati, G.; Rubiera-Garcia, D.; Sahlmann, H.; Sakellariadou, M.; Salamida, F.; Saridakis, E.N.; Satunin, P.; Schiffer, M.; Schüssler, F.; Sigl, G.; Sitarek, J.; Peracaula, J. Solà; Sopuerta, C.F.; Sotiriou, T.P.; Spurio, M.; Staicova, D.; Stergioulas, N.; Stoica, S.; Strišković, J.; Stuttard, T.; Cerci, D. Sunar; Tavakoli, Y.; Ternes, C.A.; Terzić, T.; Thiemann, T.; Tinyakov, P.; Torri, M.D.C.; Tórtola, M.; Trimarelli, C.; Trześniewski, T.; Tureanu, A.; Urban, Federico; Vagenas, E.C.; Vernieri, D.; Vitagliano, V.; Wallet, J.-C.; Zornoza, J.D. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The exploration of the universe has recently entered a new era thanks to the multi-messenger paradigm, characterized by a continuous increase in the quantity and quality of experimental data that is obtained by the detection ...
    • Quantum Ground State Control in Superconductor-Silicene Structures: 0-π transitions, φ₀-junctions, and Majorana bound states 

      Kuzmanovskii, Dushko; Linder, Jacob; Black-Schaffer, Annica (Journal article, 2016)
      We demonstrate theoretically that proximity-induced superconductivity in silicene offers the possibility to exert strong quantum ground state control. We show that electrically controlled 0-π transitions occur in Josephson ...
    • Quantum Harmonic Analysis on Lattices and Gabor Multipliers 

      Skrettingland, Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We develop a theory of quantum harmonic analysis on lattices in R2d. Convolutions of a sequence with an operator and of two operators are defined over a lattice, and using corresponding Fourier transforms of sequences and ...
    • Quantum harmonic analysis on locally compact groups 

      Halvdansson, Karl Simon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      On a locally compact group we introduce covariant quantization schemes and analogs of phase space representations as well as mixed-state localization operators. These generalize corresponding notions for the affine group ...
    • Quantum key distribution prototype 

      Tvedt, Ole Christian (Master thesis, 2010)
      This thesis covers the basics of cryptography, both classical and the newer quantum-basedapproches. Further, it details an implementation of a BB84-based quantum key distributionsystem currently under construction, focusing ...
    • Quantum Machine Learning for Variational Quantum Algorithms 

      Uthayamoorthy, VIroshaan (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne masteroppgaven introduserer konsepter innen maskinlæring og kvante-maskinlæring. Spesiell fokus vil bli ilagt variasjonelle kvantealgorithmer hvor parametre i kvantekretser blir optimert. Hvordan disse kretsene trenes ...
    • Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Drag Interaction in the Superfluid Phase of the 3-Component Bose-Hubbard Model 

      Erlandsen, Eirik (Master thesis, 2018)
      We study Andreev-Bashkin drag interactions between the superflow of different components in the superfluid phase of a three-component Bose-Hubbard model without component-mixing interactions, relevant for cold atom systems ...