Now showing items 57683-57702 of 105673

    • Livelihood strategies of migrants in the transmigrasi location in Indonesia 

      Forisa, Hanesty (Master thesis, 2014)
      This study is about the livelihood strategies of migrant households who are resettled from Wonogiri Regency in Central Java Province to West Sumatera Province, Indonesia, through transmigrasi program called Bedol Desa. The ...
    • Livelihoods and survival strategies among migrant children i Addis Ababa 

      Adugna, Girmachew (Master thesis, 2006)
      This study attempts to explore the livelihoods and survival strategies of migrant children who live on the street or make a living on street based activities in Addis Ababa. It also depicts and analyses the forces behind ...

      Peter, Kasaija (Master thesis, 2009)
      Informal transport modes such as Kampala’s boda-boda motorcycle taxis have become a common fixture in much of the developing world. Readily available and accessible especially for the city’s increasingly transit-dependent ...
    • Livelihoods in a Conflict Setting: A Case Study of the Ethnically Bordered Agricultural Villages in Ampara District, Sri Lanka 

      Rozairo, John Nigel (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2011:316, Doctoral thesis, 2011)
      The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka represented a major threat to the livelihoods of all people in the country and especially those in the conflict zones. Conflict-related violence was not limited to Sinhalese and Tamils; ...
    • Liveness Detection for 3D Face Mask Attacks. 

      Katwal,Rupak (Master thesis, 2021)
      The serviceable and convenient nature of the Face Recognition System (FRS) makes it a preferred way for access control and authentication for a wide range of application areas, from biometric passport, surveillance system, ...
    • Liveness online in deadly times: How artists explored the expressive potential of live-streamed concerts at the face of COVID-19 in Norway 

      Kjus, Yngvar; Spilker, Hendrik Storstein; Kiberg, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This study was initiated as the pandemic erupted in the spring of 2020, triggered by our curiosity about the wave of Internet-mediated concerts which followed in the wake of COVID-19. The article examines what kind of ...
    • Liveness online in deadly times: How artists explored the expressive potential of live-streamed concerts at the face of COVID-19 in Norway 

      Kjus, Yngvar; Spilker, Hendrik Storstein; Kiberg, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This study was initiated as the pandemic erupted in the spring of 2020, triggered by our curiosity about the wave of Internet-mediated concerts which followed in the wake of COVID-19. The article examines what kind of ...
    • Liver Activation of Hepatocellular Nuclear Factor-4α by Small Activating RNA Rescues Dyslipidemia and Improves Metabolic Profile 

      Huang, Kai-Wen; Reebye, Vikash; Czysz, Katherine; Ciriello, Simona; Dorman, Stephanie; Reccia, Isabella; Lai, Hong-Shiee; Peng, Ling; Kostomitsopoulos, Nikos; Nicholls, Joanna; Habib, Robert; Tomalia, Donald A.; Sætrom, Pål; Wilkes, Edmund; Cutillas, Pedro; Rossi, John; Habib, Nagy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) culminates in insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Because there are no approved pharmacological treatment agents for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and NAFLD, different ...
    • Liver surface reconstruction for image guided surgery 

      Wang, Congcong; Alaya Cheikh, Faouzi; Kaaniche, Mounir; Elle, Ole Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In image guided surgery, stereo laparoscopes have been introduced to provide a 3D view of the organs during the laparoscopic intervention. This stereo video could possibly be used for other purposes other than simple ...
    • Liverpool Care Pathway: et nyttig verktøy ved livets slutt? 

      Blæsterdalen, Bente Tokerud; Hammoud, Ahmad Fayez; Wien, Solveig Rosseland (Student paper, others, 2013)
      NORSK: Hensikt: Vi er tre sykepleiere som jobber i sykehjem og sykehus. I vår arbeidshverdag har vi savnet et verktøy som kan hjelpe oss å strukturere omsorg for døende. I utdanningen ble vi kjent med Liverpool Care Pathway ...
    • Liverworts from the largest of the United States: a checklist for Alaska 

      Söderström, Lars; Hagborg, Anders; von Konrat, Matt (Journal article, 2015)
      We report 294 liverwort taxa in 267 species for the State of Alaska, excluding the Aleutian Islands,15 taxa are listed as doubtful and an additional 17 of the previous reports are rejected as erroneous. The checklist is ...
    • Livestock and Carnivores: Economic and Ecological Interactions 

      Olaussen, Jon Olaf; Johannesen, Anne Borge; Skonhoft, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Carnivores-livestock interactions cause human-wildlife conflicts worldwide. These interactions are present under a wide range of ecological and economic circumstances. This paper studies the relationship between predation ...
    • Livestock management at northern latitudes: Potential economic effects of climate change in sheep farming 

      Johannesen, Anne Borge; Nielsen, Anders; Skonhoft, Anders (Journal article, 2013)
      We study the economy and ecology of sheep farming under future climate change scenarios. The analysis is at the farm level and includes two different categories of the animals, ewes (adult females) and lambs with a crucial ...
    • Livestock-Associated MRSA CC1 in Norway; Introduction to Pig Farms, Zoonotic Transmission, and Eradication 

      Elstrøm, Petter; Grøntvedt, Carl Andreas; Gabrielsen, Christina; Stegger, Marc; Angen, Øystein; Åmdal, Solfrid; Enger, Hege; Urdahl, Anne Margrete; Jore, Solveig; Steinbakk, Martin; Sunde, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Farm animals have been identified as an emerging reservoir for transmission of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) to humans. The low incidence of MRSA in humans and farm animals in ...
    • Livesupport 1 

      Bjerke, Trond Viggo; Brattrud, Marianne; Repp, Synne Kvamme (Bachelor thesis, 2004)
      Oppgaven har gått ut på å utvikle et Livesupport-system for bedriften WebDeal. Et livesupport system er et system som tillater sanntids (live) kommunikasjon mellom kundebehandler og kunde. Dette systemet består, etter ...
    • Livet blir mer intenst jo nærmere du er døden 

      Eikeland, Peter (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne mastergradsavhandlingen undersøker fjellklatreres motivasjon for å klatre fjell i ekstremhøyde – en svært risikofylt aktivitet som i liten grad er forsket på tidligere. Selv om risikoen og konsekvensene ved aktiviteten ...
    • Livet er mer enn innsiden av en sengepost 

      Gaarder, Anette Rydning; Stålhand, Ingvild (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Introduksjon: I Norge har det over de siste tiårene blitt en økende andel som rapporterer om psykiske lidelser. Hensikten med denne studien er å opparbeide kunnskap om hvordan ergoterapeuter innen spesialisthelsetjenesten ...
    • Livet etter akutt myokardinfarkt 

      Nilsen, Elin Marie Løvold; Aspehaug, Mali Seljebø (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Hensikt: Oppgaven har til hensikt å belyse hvordan pasienter som blir rammet av akutt myokardinfarkt, erfarer å mestre livet etter at de er skrevet ut fra sykehuset. Dette for å oppnå økt kunnskap om hvordan vi som ...
    • Livet etter hjerneslag 

      Arnøy, Nora Antonie (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Sammendrag Tittel: Livet etter hjerneslag Bakgrunn: Hjerneslag er en av de hyppigste dødsårsakene og en vanlig årsak til funksjonsnedsettelse. Hendelsen er vanskelig å forberede seg på, og de fleste havner i kamp om å ...