Now showing items 35793-35812 of 103942

    • Festival + sted = ?: Vinjerock - en festivals påvirkning på stedsidentitet og stedsutvikling 

      Sørbo, Ingelin (Master thesis, 2011)
      Festivaler har blitt en viktig del av opplevelsesøkonomien og stedene de er lokalisert. Denne oppgaven er et case-studie av musikkfestivalen Vinjerock i Vang kommune, og fokuserer på hva slags innvirkninger festivalen har ...
    • Festivalens allierte?: En litteraturanalyse av hvordan omdømmehåndtering gjennom medier kan bidra til at musikkfestivaler opplever økt støtte fra lokalsamfunnet 

      Aune, Erlend Solli (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Hver sommer arrangeres det mange utendørsfestivaler i Norge, og flere av festivalområdene ligger nære boligområder. For lokalsamfunnet kan festivalene oppleves som i overkant støyete, og dersom festivalene møter tilstrekkelig ...
    • Festivalfolket – hvem er de? 

      Hjelseth, Arve; Storstad, Oddveig (Chapter, 2013)
      Ulike festivaler tiltrekker seg ulikt publikum. Intuitivt er det grunn til å tro at Oslo kammermusikkfestival har et annet publikum enn Sommerfestivalen i Selbu. Er Festival-Norge først og fremt preget av tiltakende mangfold, ...
    • Festivallandskapet: En fenomenologisk inspirert studie av estetikk, festivaler og landskap 

      Ryan, Anne Wally (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:189, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      De siste tiårene har det vært økt oppmerksomhet og forskningsaktivitet relatert til hvordan ulike virksomheter iscenesetter produkter eller hendelser med formål om «å skape (selge) opplevelser». I denne avhandlingen er ...
    • Fetal and perinatal implications of anomalies in the gastrointestinal tract and the abdominal wall 

      Brantberg, Anne (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:113, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      Studien tar for seg tilstandene gastroschise og omfalocele, som er forskjellige former for bukveggsdefekter samt utviklingsavvik som gir forsnevringer på ulike nivå i fordøyelseskanalen: spiserør (øsofagusobstruksjon), ...
    • Fetal growth and birth anthropometrics in metformin exposed offspring born to mothers with PCOS 

      Hjorth-Hansen, Anna; Salvesen, Øyvind; Hanem, Liv Guro Engen; Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe; Salvesen, Kjell Å; Vanky, Eszter; Ødegård, Rønnaug (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Context Metformin is used in an attempt to reduce pregnancy complications associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Little is known about the effect of metformin on fetal development and growth. Objectives To ...
    • Fetal head descent assessed by transabdominal ultrasound: a prospective observational study 

      Kamel, Rasha; Negm, Sherif; Badr, Islam; Kahrs, Birgitte Heiberg; Eggebø, Torbjørn M.; Iversen, Johanne Kolvik von Ely (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background Detection of copy number variation (CNV) in genes associated with disease is important in genetic diagnostics, and next generation sequencing (NGS) technology provides data that can be used for CNV detection. ...
    • Fetal HLA-G mediated immune tolerance and interferon response in preeclampsia 

      Wedenoja, Satu; Yoshihara, Masahito; Teder, Hindrek; Sariola, Hannu; Gissler, Mika; Katayama, Shintaro; Wedenoja, Juho; Häkkinen, Inka M.; Ezer, Sini; Linder, Nina; Lundin, Johan; Skoog, Tiina; Sahlin, Ellika; Iwarsson, Erik; Pettersson, Karin; Kajantie, Eero Olavi; Mokkonen, Mikael; Heinonen, Seppo; Laivuori, Hannele; Krjutškov, Kaarel; Kere, Juha (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background Fetal immune tolerance is crucial for pregnancy success. We studied the link between preeclampsia, a severe pregnancy disorder with uncertain pathogenesis, and fetal human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) and other ...
    • Fetal molding examined with transperineal ultrasound and associations with position and delivery mode 

      Iversen, Johanne Kolvik; Kahrs, Birgitte Heiberg; Torkildsen, Erik A.; Eggebø, Torbjørn Moe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background To accommodate passage through the birth canal, the fetal skull is compressed and reshaped, a phenomenon known as molding. The fetal skull bones are separated by membranous sutures that facilitate compression ...
    • Fetal phthalates and bisphenols and childhood lipid and glucose metabolism. A population-based prospective cohort study 

      Sol, Chalana M.; Santos, Susana; Duijts, Liesbeth; Asimakopoulos, Alexandros; Martinez-Moral, Maria-Pilar; Kannan, Kurunthachalam; Jaddoe, Vincent V.W.; Trasande, Leonardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background and aims Fetal exposure to endocrine disruptors such as phthalates and bisphenols may lead to developmental metabolic adaptations. We examined associations of maternal phthalate and bisphenol urine concentrations ...
    • Few- and Single-Cycle Coherent Pulse Propagation in Multi-Level Media 

      Marskar, Robert (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:154, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Recent experimental realizations of single-cycle pulses in the terahertz, infrared, and optical regions provide promising light sources for applications in telecommunication, medical imaging, spectroscopy, and coherent ...
    • Few-Electron Single and Double Quantum Dots in an InAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas 

      Mittag, Christopher; Koski, Jonne V.; Karalic, Matija; Thomas, Candice; Tuaz, Aymeric; Hatke, Anthony T.; Gardner, Geoffrey C.; Manfra, Michael J.; Danon, Jeroen; Ihn, Thomas; Ensslin, Klaus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Most proof-of-principle experiments for spin qubits have been performed with GaAs-based quantum dots because of the excellent control they offer over tunneling barriers and the orbital and spin degrees of freedom. Here we ...
    • Few-shot Font Style Transfer with Extraction of Partial Style 

      Nilsen, Eivind Yu (Master thesis, 2022)
      Tekst er en sentral verktøy for å formidle ideer og følelser, og er en svært vanlig forekomst i våre liv. Som representasjon av tekst spiller skrifttype en viktig rolle i formidlingen. Skrifttyper viser om en tekst er ...
    • Few-Shot Open World Learner 

      Teigen, Andreas Langeland; Saad, Aya; Stahl, Annette; Mester, Rudolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Computer vision based recognition systems in dynamically changing environments require continuously updating datasets with novel detected categories while maintaining equally high performance on previously established ...
    • Few-shot open world learning 

      Teigen, Andreas Langeland (Master thesis, 2020)
      Datasynsystemer blir i økende grad tatt i bruk ute i dagligdags- og feltarbeidsapplikasjoner. Denne overgangen fra kontrollerte lab-omgivelser til den vide verden byr derimot på flere nye problemer. I stedet for kun å møte ...
    • FGD5 amplification in breast cancer patients is associated with tumor proliferation and a poorer prognosis 

      Valla, Marit; Engstrøm, Monica J; Ytterhus, Borgny; Hansen, Åse Kristin Skain; Akslen, Lars A.; Vatten, Lars Johan; Opdahl, Signe; Bofin, Anna M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Purpose Proliferation is a hallmark of cancer. Using a combined genomic approach, FGD5 amplification has been identified as a driver of proliferation in Luminal breast cancer. We aimed to describe FGD5 copy number change ...
    • FIB and Functional Ferroics: Structuring and Correlated Microscopy 

      Roede, Erik Dobloug (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:156, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Norsk sammendrag FIB og funksjonelle ferroiske materialer For å fortsette utviklingen av raskere og mer energieffektiv elektronikk er vi nødt til å utnytte nye fysiske fenomener. I dette arbeidet studeres ferroiske ...
    • FIB lift-out of conducting ferroelectric domain walls in hexagonal manganites 

      Mosberg, Aleksander Buseth; Roede, Erik Dobloug; Evans, Donald; Holstad, Theodor S.; Bourret, Edith; Yan, Zewu; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Meier, Dennis (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A focused ion beam (FIB) methodology is developed to lift out suitable specimens containing charged domain walls in improper ferroelectric ErMnO3. The FIB procedure allows for extracting domain wall sections with well-defined ...
    • FIB lift-out of conducting ferroelectric domain walls in hexagonal manganites 

      Evans, Donald; Meier, Dennis; Mosberg, Aleksander Buseth; Roede, Erik Dobloug; Holstad, Theodor S.; Bourret, Edith; Yan, Zewu; Van Helvoort, Antonius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A focused ion beam (FIB) methodology is developed to lift out suitable specimens containing charged domain walls in improper ferroelectric ErMnO3. The FIB procedure allows for extracting domain wall sections with well-defined ...