• Covid-fatigued? A longitudinal study of Norwegian older adults’ psychosocial well-being before and during early and later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Hansen, Thomas; Nilsen, Thomas Sevenius; Knapstad, Marit; Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Vedaa, Øystein; Nes, Ragnhild Bang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      As the pandemic continues, many older adults are facing prolonged isolation and stress while having less access to traditional ways of coping. There is widespread concern that the situation is increasingly taking its toll ...
    • Coworking i Ølkvartalet 

      Oppstrøm, Anne Nesbakk; Ueland, Jenny (Master thesis, 2015)
    • Coworking Space - Ein studie av coworking space som mekanisme i å auke mengd entreprenørskap og innovasjon i Noreg 

      Sægrov, Oda Marianne (Master thesis, 2014)
      Denne masteroppgåva tek føre seg spørsmål kring ”coworking space” i norsk kontekst, og dets funksjon i å auke mengd innovasjon og entreprenørskap i norsk økonomi. Dette vert studert med utgangspunkt i entreprenøren som ...
    • Coworking spaces 

      Berstad, Margareth (Master thesis, 2023)
      Siden 2005 har coworking spaces utviklet seg fra å være et oppstartskonsept i San Fransisco, til å spre seg globalt med over 28 000 lokasjoner. Konseptet er ment som et samlingspunkt og en arbeidsplass for små virksomheter. ...
    • COx-free hydrogen production from ammonia – mimicking the activity of Ru catalysts with unsupported Co-Re alloys 

      Kirste, Karsten Granlund; McAulay, Kate; E. Bell, Tamsin; Stoian, Dragos; Laassiri, Said; Hargreaves, Justin S. J.; Mathisen, Karina; Torrente-Murciano, Laura (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      On-demand production of hydrogen from ammonia is a challenge limiting the implementation of ammonia as a long term hydrogen vector to overcome the difficulties associated with hydrogen storage. Herein, we present the ...
    • COX7A2L genetic variants determine cardiorespiratory fitness in mice and human 

      Benegiamo, Giorgia; Bou Sleiman, Maroun; Wohlwend, Martin; Rodríguez-López, Sandra; Goeminne, Ludger J. E.; Laurila, Pirkka-Pekka; Klevjer, Marie; Salonen, Minna K.; Lahti, Jari; Jha, Pooja; Cogliati, Sara; Enriquez, José Antonio; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Bye, Anja; Eriksson, Johan G.; Auwerx, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Mitochondrial respiratory complexes form superassembled structures called supercomplexes. COX7A2L is a supercomplex-specific assembly factor in mammals, although its implication for supercomplex formation and cellular ...
    • Co‐Designed Exposure Protocol in the Study of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance Attributed to Electromagnetic Fields 

      Ledent, Maryse; Vatovez, Benjamin; Pirard, Willy; Bordarie, Jimmy; Prignot, Nicolas; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Geuzaine, Christophe; Beauvois, Véronique; Bouland, Catherine; Verschaeve, Luc; Dieudonné, Maël (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The hypothesis of an electromagnetic origin of idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) attributed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has been widely investigated by provocation studies, which consist of deliberately exposing ...
    • cPLA2α Enzyme Inhibition Attenuates Inflammation and Keratinocyte Proliferation 

      Ashcroft, Felicity; Mahammad, Nur; Flatekvål, Helene Midtun; Feuerherm, Astrid Jullumstrø; Johansen, Berit (Journal article, 2020)
      As a regulator of cellular inflammation and proliferation, cytosolic phospholipase A2 α (cPLA2α) is a promising therapeutic target for psoriasis; indeed, the cPLA2α inhibitor AVX001 has shown efficacy against plaque psoriasis ...
    • CPP or Not, That Is the Question: Physicians' Work With Activating CPPs 

      Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The Norwegian government has launched a policy titled cancer patient pathways (CPPs), which assigns maximum deadlines to the various phases of the diagnostic investigation. In this article, I examine the starting point of ...
    • CPTU i kvikkleire i Rissa 

      Kåsin, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2010)
      I forbindelse med utbygging parsell av RV. 717 Sund – Bradden i Rissa kommune er det planlagt en veistrekning som går øst for Rein Kirke mot innsjøen Botnen. Dette er i bunnen av en skråning med en høyde på over 20m. Denne ...
    • CPTU med målt total sonderingsmotstand: Nye muligheter for å detektere kvikkleire? 

      Hundal, Erlend (Master thesis, 2014)
      De siste årene har det vært økt fokus på forebyggende tiltak mot kvikkleireskred. Her har det dukket opp flere studier på hvordan kvikkleire kan detekteres på en rasjonell og pålitelig måte. I den forbindelse er det ønskelig ...
    • CPTU med resistivitetsmåling 

      Ottesen, Hanne Bratlie (Master thesis, 2009)
    • CPTU-detection of thin clay layers in sand - Results from calibration chamber testing 

      Skrede, Hallvard (Master thesis, 2021)
      Skred langs kystområdene i Norge forekommer og utgjør stadig en risiko for samfunnet og generell infrastruktur. Studier av tidligere skred har vist at mellomliggende tynne leirelag i breelv- og elveavsetninger ofte fungerer ...
    • CPTU-detection of thin clay layers in sand: Results from calibration chamber tests 

      Skrede, Hallvard; Hammer, H.B.; Nordal, S.; L'Heureux, Jean-Sébastien (Chapter, 2022)
      The detection of thin clay layers (i.e. ≲ 20 cm) is challenging for all conventional geotechnical field investigations techniques, including high quality CPTU tests. During the last two years, a research program has been ...
    • CPU and GPU Co-processing for Sound 

      Gjermundsen, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2010)
      When using voice communications, one of the problematic phenomena that can occur, is participants hearing an echo of their own voice. Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) is used to remove this echo, but can be computationally ...
    • Cr-doped ZnS for Intermediate Band Solar Cells 

      Nematollahi, Mohammadreza (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:274, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
      Intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs) can potentially be highly efficient solar cells. This thesis presents the growth and characterization of highly doped chromium doped zinc sulfide (Cr:ZnS) films for use in IBSCs. The ...
    • Cr/Fe ratio by XPS spectra of magnetoelectropolished AISI 316L SS fitted by Gaussian-Lorentzian shape lines 

      Rokosz, Krzysztof; Hryniewicz, Tadeusz; Raaen, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In the paper, the analyses of Fe2p3/2 and chromium Cr2p3/2 XPS spectra with fitting by symmetrical and asymmetrical line shapes, are presented. The calculations are performed on AISI 316L SS biomaterial after magnetoelec ...
    • Cr4+: YAG chirped-pulse oscillator 

      Sorokin, Evgeni; Kalashnikov, Valdimir L; Mandon, Julien; Guelachvili, Guy; Picque, Nathalie; Sorokina, Irina T (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      We demonstrate chirped-pulse operation of a Cr :YAG passively mode-locked laser. Different operation regimes of the laser are extensively investigated in the vicinity of zero dispersion both experimentally and numerically. ...
    • Cr:ZnSe Bulk and Cr:ZnSe Thin Disk cw Lasers 

      Renz, Guenther; Speiser, Jochen; Giesen, Adolf; Sorokina, Irina T; Sorokin, Evgeni (Chapter, 2012)
      A Thulium-fiber-laser pumped Cr:ZnSe bulk cw laser with an output power of 6.5W as well as a Thulium-fiber-laser or diode-laser-stack pumped Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw laser with almost 2W of output powers will be presented.
    • Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw laser 

      Renz, Guenther; Speiser, Jochen; Giesen, Adolf; Sorokina, Irina T; Sorokin, Evgeni (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      A Thulium fiber laser pumped or InP diode laser stack pumped Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw multimode laser at 2.4 µm with an output power of 5 and 4 W, respectively, and with optical-tooptical efficiencies of 10% will be presented. ...