• Nano- porous proppants for shale oil and gas production 

      Ottestad, Eirik (Master thesis, 2014)
      Over the last decade a rapid increase in utilization of unconventional reservoirs ha occurred due to advances in horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing technology. Reservoirs that earlier were far beyond commercial ...
    • Nano-enabled anti-icing surfaces and coatings - Superhydrophobicity and icephobicity characterization of fouling-release coatings 

      Delabahan, Chrisrosemarie (Master thesis, 2015)
      Anti-icing and icephobic materials have been topics of many researches due to the challenges that icing poses. Arctic regions are also gaining interest due to its resource potentials. In this thesis, different commercial ...
    • Nano-Enabled Cement System for Well Cementing 

      Jafariesfad, Narjes (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:213, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      The main goal of primary cementing is to provide zonal isolation in oil and gas wells. In general, the failure of the cement sheath to maintain long-term zonal isolation is due to: Low tensile properties ...
    • Nano-enabled polymers as embedded sensing electrodes in fibre-reinforced polymer composites 

      Dahl, Morten M.; Brøndbo, Vegar S. (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Polyuretan ble kombinert med nanoadditivene grafitt og karbon nanorør for å skape en elektrisk ledende elastomer, som videre ble implementert i en epoxy-karbonfiber kompositt for å gjøre bruken av karbonfiber-kompositter ...
    • Nano-Engineering for Functional Ferroelectric Domain Walls 

      Tokle, Egil Ytterli (Master thesis, 2024)
      I over eit tiår har ferroelektriske domenveggar fått stor merksemd i søket etter nyskapande system for framtidig nanoteknologi grunna i dei unike eigenskapane som oppstår i slike avgrensa område. Særleg er den lokale leieevna ...
    • Nano-engineering PdNi networks by voltammetric dealloying for ethanol oxidation 

      Ding, Jieting; Ji, Shan; Wang, Hui; Pollet, Bruno; Wang, Rongfang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      PdNi particle networks (PdNi NN) are prepared by voltammetric dealloying using catkin-like PdNi nanoparticles as precursor. It is found that voltammetric dealloying plays an important role for the formation of these networks. ...
    • Nano-Indentation of Anisotropic Material: Numerical Approaches to Extract Elasticities from Nano-Indentation 

      Sveaass, Tore (Master thesis, 2013)
      Division of Biomechanics participates in a project together with Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, NTNU, on effects of proton pump inhibitor medication on bone quality. This common anti-stomach acid ...
    • Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy 

      Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper compares the nano-scale structure of β” precipitates in a peak-aged Al-Mg-Si alloy before and after deformation. Three complementary advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques are used to reveal the ...
    • Nano-sized emission from commercially available Paints used for indoor surfaces during drying 

      Jørgensen, Rikke Bramming; Hveding, Ingrid Grav; Solheim, Karoline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Consumers worry about the presence of nano-particles in paints and the risk of exposure. As a result, the paint industry now omits marketing paints as containing nanoparticles. The industry claims that no nanoparticles are ...
    • Nanobody-directed targeting of optogenetic tools to study signaling in the primary cilium 

      Hansen, Jan; Kaiser, Fabian; Klausen, Christina; Stüven, Birthe; Chong, Raymond; Bönigk, Wolfgang; Mick, David; Möglich, Andreas; Jurisch-Yaksi, Nathalie; Schmidt, Florian; Wachten, Dagmar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Compartmentalization of cellular signaling forms the molecular basis of cellular behavior. The primary cilium constitutes a subcellular compartment that orchestrates signal transduction independent from the cell body. ...
    • Nanocellulose Crystal-Enhanced Hybrid Membrane for CO2 Capture 

      Dai, Zhongde; Deng, Jing; Ma, Yulei; Guo, Hongfang; Wei, Jing; Wang, Bangda; Jiang, Xia; Deng, Liyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Developing a membrane material with both high CO2 permeability and high CO2/N2 selectivity is always desired for CO2 capture, while improving the sustainability of the membrane preparation process is of equal importance. ...
    • Nanocellulose-enriched hydrocolloid-based hydrogels designed using a Ca2+ free strategy based on citric acid 

      Lungu, Adriana; Cernencu, Alexandra I.; Dinescu, Sorina; Balahura, Roxana; Mereuta, Paul; Costache, Marieta; Syverud, Kristin; Stancu, Izabela C.; Iovu, Horia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In this work fully biomass-based hydrogels were developed using a naturally occurring vegetable hydrocolloid co-mingled with wood-derived nanocellulose fibrils. Two distinct types of hydrocolloids have been considered: a ...
    • Nanocomposite Membranes containing Bio-nanofibers and Mimic Enzyme for Biogas upgrading 

      Jahan, Zaib (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:64, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      CO2 is the most dominating anthropogenic greenhouse gas. Combustion of fossil fuels, to meet energy demands is one of the major sources of CO2 emission. Release of CO2 from burning fossil fuel and cement industry has ...
    • Nanocomposite membranes with high-charge and size-screened phosphorylated nanocellulose fibrils for CO2 separation 

      Helberg, Ragne M Lilleby; Torstensen, Jonathan Økland; Dai, Zhongde; Janakiram, Saravanan; Chinga-Carrasco, Gary; Gregersen, Øyvind Weiby; Syverud, Kristin; Deng, Liyuan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      In this study, cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) of high charge (H-P-CNF) and screened size (H-P-CNF-S) were fabricated by increasing the charge of phosphorylated cellulose nanofibrils (P-CNFs) during the pre-treatment step of ...
    • Nanoconfined Water Dynamics in Multilayer Graphene Nanopores 

      Pan, Junchao; Xiao, Senbo; Zhang, Zhiliang; Wei, Ning; He, Jianying; Zhao, Junhua (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Water dynamics in frictionless carbon nanotubes and across ultrathin graphene nanopores have been extensively studied. In contrast, the fundamental properties of nanoconfined water in multilayer graphene nanopores (MGPNs), ...
    • Nanocosm: A well plate photobioreactor for environmental and biotechnological studies 

      Volpe, Charlotte; Vadstein, Olav; Andersen, Geir; Andersen, Tom (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Phytoplankton are key primary producers at the bottom of the aquatic food chain. They are a highly diverse group of organisms essential for the functioning of our ecosystems and because of their characteristics, their ...
    • Nanocrystal segmentation in scanning precession electron diffraction data 

      Bergh, Tina; Johnstone, D.N.; Crout, P; Høgås, Simon; Midgley, Paul A.; Holmestad, Randi; Vullum, Per Erik; Van Helvoort, Antonius (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED) enables the local crystallography of materials to be probed on the nanoscale by recording a two‐dimensional precession electron diffraction (PED) pattern at every probe ...
    • Nanofabrication and properties of gold and platinum nanostructures on graphite 

      Julukian, Armen (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:379, Doctoral thesis, 2013)
      This Thesis presents studies of modern aspects of nanotechnology where the size and density of nanostructures play a huge role for further technological advances of our life. As an example of this is heterogeneous catalysis ...
    • Nanofiber NiMoO4/g-C3N4 Composite Electrode Materials for Redox Supercapacitor Applications 

      Thiagarajan, Kannadasan; Bavani, Thirugnanam; Arunachalam, Prabhakarn; Lee, Seung Jun; Theerthagiri, Jayaraman; Madhavan, Jaganathan; Pollet, Bruno; Choi, Myong Yong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      NiMoO4/g-C3N4 was fabricated by a hydrothermal method and used as an electrode material in a supercapacitor. The samples were characterized by XRD, FTIR, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy ...
    • Nanoflow of Protons and Water in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes 

      Benjaminsen, Bjørn Eirik (Master thesis, 2013)
      This master thesis studies the applicability of continuum mean-field theories such as the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations and the Stokes equation. In particular, we investigate electro-osmotic flow of water and protons in ...