Now showing items 65243-65262 of 105830

    • Multivariate Quadratic Cryptosystems 

      Milne, Simon Alexander (Master thesis, 2019)
      Vi beskriver egenskapene til multivariate ligningssystemer, og både egenskapene til Grøbnerbaser, og hvordan man beregner dem. Videre beskriver vi to multivariate kvadratiske kryptosystemer, kryptosystemet Matsumoto-Imai ...
    • Multivariate Spatial Modeling using SPDEs with Application to Ocean Sampling 

      Lilleborge, Karina (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne masteroppgaven vil vi foreslå multivariate romlige modeller for effektiv prediksjon av temperatur og salinitet i havet. Vi baserer modelleringen og analysen på modelløsninger fra en numerisk havmodell, SINMOD, ...
    • Multivariate Statistical Condition Monitoring 

      Oddan, Håvard (Master thesis, 2017)
      Multivariate analysis methods have been studied for the purpose of improving condition monitoring of equipment in industry. This concerns fault detection, isolation and diagnosis for machinery in order to improve decision ...
    • Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Classifi cation Applied on Prostate Cancer Screening 

      Riis, Øivind; Stenvold, Andreas; Stene-Johansen, Helge; Westad, Frank (Journal article, 2023)
      Introduction: We report in this study the results of analyzing biomarkers in blood samples with two objectives; i) as an approach for screening patients by use of Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC); ii) Compare ...
    • Multivers: Samspillet Mellom Identitet og Internett 

      Lømo, August (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven har som formål å utforske hvordan bruken av det filmatiske virkemiddelet multivers kan belyse samspillet mellom identitetsutvikling og internett. Gjennom en næranalyse av filmen Everything Everywhere ...
    • A Multiwavelength Study of GRS 1716-249 in Outburst: Constraints on Its System Parameters 

      Saikia, Payaswini; Russell, David M.; Baglio, M.C.; Bramich, D.M.; Casella, Piergiorgio; Trigo, Maria Diaz; Gandhi, Poshak; Jiang, Jiachen; Maccarone, Thomas; Soria, Roberto; Al Noori, Hind; Al Yazeedi, Aisha; Alabarta, Kevin; Belloni, Tomaso; Bel, Marion Cadolle; Ceccobello, Chiara; Corbel, Stéphane; Fender, Rob; Gallo, Elena; Homan, Jeroen; Koljonen, Karri; Lewis, Fraser; Markoff, Sera B.; Miller-Jones, James C. A.; Rodriguez, Jerome; Russell, Thomas D.; Shahbaz, Tariq; Sivakoff, Gregory R.; Testa, Vincenzo; Tetarenko, Alexandra J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We present a detailed study of the evolution of the Galactic black hole transient GRS 1716−249 during its 2016–2017 outburst at optical (Las Cumbres Observatory), mid-infrared (Very Large Telescope), near-infrared (Rapid ...
    • A multi‐layer framework for energy efficiency assessment of shore‐to‐ship fast charging systems including onshore batteries 

      Karimi, Siamak; Zadeh, Mehdi; Suul, Jon Are Wold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper proposes a three-layer framework for energy efficiency evaluation of Shore-to-Ship Charging (S2SC) systems using load-dependent loss models of the components. The considered S2SC system is supplied by the grid ...
    • Multi‐Stage Validation of a Solar Irradiance Model Chain: An Application at High Latitudes 

      Manni, Mattia; Nocente, Alessandro; Bellmann, Martin Pawel; Lobaccaro, Gabriele (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Evaluating how the sources of uncertainty in solar modelling (e.g., input parameters, developed model chain) can influence the results’ accuracy is one of the main challenges when applied at high latitudes. In this study, ...
    • Mulungushi Cascade Hydropower Project: A Technical Economic Assessment Of Hydrology, Design And Power Production 

      Mulelid, Simon (Master thesis, 2014)
      Steadily increasing economic growth and population growth in Zambia implies that the need for electrical power will increase in the coming years. There are currently developed around 1788 MW of a potential of about 6000 ...
    • Municipal collaborative planning boosting climate resilience in the built environment 

      Flyen, Cecilie; Hauge, Åshild Lappegard; Almås, Anders-Johan; Godbolt, Åsne Lund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose – A meta-study covering the past decade maps the development of Norwegian municipal planning, climate adaptation and institutional vulnerability towards climate change. This paper aims to explore the implementation ...
    • Municipal Cybersecurity—A Neglected Research Area? A Survey of Current Research 

      Vestad, Arnstein; Yang, Bian (Chapter, 2023)
      Municipalities are tasked with ensuring the cybersecurity of critical public services and functions in diverse areas such as safe water supply, healthcare, child protective services, and education with vastly different ...
    • Municipal Platforms: An investigative case study from a Norwegian municipality 

      M. Ibrahim, Ahmed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This research aims to investigate a Norwegian municipality, as a case study upon its use of digital platforms. Norwegian municipalities set citizens at the center of its operational areas, by the conduct of a transparent ...
    • Municipal service production through collaboration and contracting: An Investigation of Governance and Citizen Satisfaction in Norwegian Municipalities 

      Holum, Marthe L. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:96, Doctoral thesis, 2017)
      Summary of the thesis Municipalities are constantly under pressure to deliver services of increasingly high quality as efficiently as possible. Thus, how to organise municipal service production in the most optimal way ...
    • The Municipality’s Role in a Smart Internet of Things Ecosystem 

      Nesse, Per Jonny; Lindtvedt, Ida Cathrine Ringdal; Frøhaug, Ragnhild Skirdal (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This article explores how municipalities plan and utilize Internet of Things (IoT) for smart city development, as well as how they collaborate with actors in the IoT-ecosystem. To do so, in-depth interviews and secondary ...
    • Munnen, mer enn bare tenner? : studenter og lærlingers tanker om oral helse 

      Spets, Elise Taylor (Master thesis, 2015)
      The theme of this master’s thesis occurred out of my experiences with different views on oral health both through my job as a dental hygienist and situations in everyday life. In Norway there are free dental services for ...
    • Munnhelse blir ikke godt nok ivaretatt. "Hvilke tiltak kan fremme sykepleierens ivaretakelse av munnhelse i sykehjem?" 

      Aarlien, Anna Tørud.; Aamodt, Thora Hermine Tærud. (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Introduksjon: En stor andel pasienter i sykehjem trenger bistand til å ivareta egen munnhelse, og forskning viser at munnstell er en sykepleieoppgave som ofte blir nedprioritert. Denne bacheloroppgaven undersøker barrierer ...
    • Munnhelse hos pasienter med demens i sykehjem 

      Haugberg, Elin (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunn: Munnstell er et område som ofte blir forsømt i sykehjem. Dårlig munnhelse kan få store konsekvenser for pasienten. Pasienter med demens i sykehjem har redusert egenomsorg, og trenger hjelp til å ivareta god ...
    • Munnhelse hos sykehjemspasienter 

      10002 (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Bakgrunn: Munnpleie til eldre pasienter på sykehjem er nedprioritert. Flere eldre har egne tenner enn tidligere, som gjør behovet for daglig munnpleie større. Når munnpleie nedprioriteres, påvirker dette pasientens munnhelse ...
    • Munnhelse på sykehjem 

      Pedersen, Kristine (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bakgrunn: I 2060 vil en femtedel av Norges befolkning være over 70 år. I tillegg øker antallet eldre som bevarer sine egne tenner, og færre har behov for tannproteser. Med økt antall tenner øker faren for konsekvenser som ...
    • Munnstell – et forsømt område? Hvilken betydning har munnstell for kreftpasientens opplevelse av velvære i den palliative fasen? 

      Pedersen, Bente Jorunn; Pyka, Violetta Rosa; Sollie, Marianne Hvalby (Student paper, others, 2011)
      Vi er tre sykepleiere som tar videreutdanning i palliasjon trinn 2. Vi er alle tre interessert i forebygging av lidelse og lindrende tiltak for å gi opplevelse av velvære til den kreftsyke pasienten. Gjennom utdanningen ...