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dc.contributor.advisorKaspersen, Eivind
dc.contributor.authorNordbotten, Birthe Johanne
dc.contributor.authorSkoglund, Øyvor
dc.description.abstractI denne studien har vi undersøkt 4. og 5. trinns elever sine strategier i arbeid med strukturerte kvikkbildeoppgaver i undervisning. Vi ville se på hvilket repertoar av strategier elevene hadde og hvordan de benyttet strategiene. Hensikten var å få en dypere forståelse for hva elevene tenker i oppfattelse av mengder enn andre kvantitative studier. Vi ville studere prosessen elevene går gjennom for å estimere strukturerte kvikkbildeoppgaver. Vi gjennomførte en studie på én 4. klasse og én 5. klasse på to ulike skoler. Det var til sammen 27 elever som deltok i datainnsamlingen, hvorav 16 var 4. trinns elever og 11 var 5. trinns elever. Datainnsamlingen bestod av fire strukturerte kvikkbildeoppgaver hentet fra MAM-prosjektet fordelt på to økter i hver klasse. Vi utførte en kvalitativ studie i en undervisningssituasjon for å kunne studere elevene sine prosesser i et naturlig miljø. I undervisningssituasjonen brukte vi flere datainnsamlingsmetoder for å få innsikt i elevenes tanker og forklaringer. Vi benyttet semi-strukturert intervju som vi tok lydopptak av, innsamling av elevarbeid, og hadde en aktiv deltakerrolle gjennom datainnsamlingsøkten. Vi tok også videoopptak av undervisningen. Vi analyserte elevutsagnene med en induktiv tematisk analyse og fant at elevstrategiene kunne deles inn i Oppfattelsesstrategier og Utregningsstrategier. I tillegg fant vi fire funn som omhandler hvordan elevene benyttet strategirepertoaret sitt. Vi fant at samtlige elever benyttet mer enn én strategi på hver oppgave. Vi fant også at noen elever endret struktur på oppgaven i løpet av løsningsprosessen. Det tredje funnet var at mange av elevene gikk tilbake til en sikkerhetsstrategi med flere steg for å finne en løsning. Det siste funnet var at noen elever viste at de kunne se samme kvikkbildeoppgave på ulike måter. Resultatene viste at våre datainnsamlingsmetoder ga dyp forståelse for hvordan elever løste kvikkbildeoppgaver. Å vite hvordan elever løser kvikkbildeoppgaver er nyttig for å kunne forstå elevenes løsninger og styre undervisningen mot matematiske mål.
dc.description.abstractIn this study we have researched 4th and 5th graders strategies while solving structured quick-image tasks in a classroom situation. We wanted to see which strategies the pupils used and how they used the strategies. The purpose with this study was to get a deeper comprehension of the pupils understanding and perception while estimating quantities. Our goal was to study the process the pupils’ are going through while estimating structured quick images. We conducted a study on a class of 4th and a 5th graders in two different schools. A total of 27 pupils participated in the study where 11 of them were 5th graders and 16 of them were 4th graders. The study consisted of four quick-image tasks collected from the MAM project. The execution of the tasks were conducted over two sessions in both grades. We conducted a qualitative study placed in a classroom situation, since we wanted to study the pupil’s estimation-processes in a natural environment. We used several methods of data collection to get at deeper insight into the pupils’ thoughts and explanations. We used semi-structured interview which we recorded, we collected the pupils’ written work, and we had an active participation-role throughout the data-collection. We also filmed the lesson. We used an inductive thematic analysis to code the pupils’ answers and found that the pupils’ strategies could be separated into perception-strategies and calculation strategies. In addition to these findings on strategy repertoire, the data showed four aspects of how the pupils used these strategies. The data showed that all pupils which participated in the study, used more than one strategy while solving each quick-image problem. We also found that some pupils changed their perception of the structure of the task during the estimation process. The third finding was that several pupils returned to a safety-strategy, that required more steps than the original strategy to find a solution to the problem. The last finding was that some pupils showed that they could see the same quick image in several ways and with several structures. The results of this study showed that our way of collecting data provided a deeper understanding of how pupils solve quick-image problems than earlier quantitative studies has provided. It is beneficial to have knowledge of pupils’ strategy choices while solving quick-image problems, because this knowledge can help the teacher understand the pupils’ solutions and direct the teaching towards mathematical goals.
dc.titleElevers estimeringsstrategier i kvikkbildeoppgaver
dc.typeMaster thesis

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