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dc.contributor.advisorNicolaisen, Tor Erik.
dc.contributor.authorJohansen, Mathilde
dc.contributor.authorPhilip, Amritha Judy
dc.description.abstractDenne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg temaene bærekraft, kundetilpasning og materialgjenvinning. Bakgrunnen for valget av temaene, er å studere løsninger for hvordan man kan gjenvinne avkapp. Ved å utvikle en designløsning som er til hjelp for kunden, på samme tid som materialet får en ny bruksverdi for oppdragsgiveren. Oppgaven utvikler et diffusjonspanel som skal diffusere lyden i et rom. Bakgrunnen for dette produktet kommer fra en brukerkartlegging. Det er laget prototyper som er blitt testet for funksjon, samt ulike tester underveis for å lære mer om materialet og ulike metoder.
dc.description.abstractIn today´s society, we are throwing away resources after it has been extracted, even if the resource still can be used. The aim of this thesis is to make a solution for something that is made from wood scraps from constructions cites. This project is given by Rewo. Rewo is a company that was founded to create better and more reasonable products out of quality resources, which today would have been burned instead (Rewo, 2024). This project is going to aim it´s goal, by analyzing the given material and user group of the company to gain insight, brainstorming and sketching to develop ideas, create prototypes to visualize ideas, validate product by testing and quality checking, and deliver concept to summarize the research. The result of developing this thesis is to express both the group and the company´s passion for material recycling. By showing the potential of the resource that would have been burned, our target is to illustrate the worth of resources that has been extracted. The result of the project was a sound diffusing panel, made from wood that would normally have been burned. The product is made with a goal of having small amount waste after production. The conclusion after testing the prototypes, the product has some effect of diffusing the sound in a room. The product is also more environmentally friendly because of how the material has been retrieved.
dc.titleFra avkapp til produkt
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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