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dc.contributor.authorZeldovich, Marina
dc.contributor.authorBockhop, Fabian
dc.contributor.authorCovic, Amra
dc.contributor.authorMueller, Isabelle
dc.contributor.authorPolinder, Suzanne
dc.contributor.authorMikolic, Ana
dc.contributor.authorvan der Vlegel, Marjolein
dc.contributor.authorvon Steinbuechel, Nicole
dc.contributor.authorÅkerlund, Cecilia
dc.contributor.authorAmrein, Krisztina
dc.contributor.authorAndelic, Nada
dc.contributor.authorAndreassen, Lasse
dc.contributor.authorAnke, Audny Gabriele Wagner
dc.contributor.authorAntoni, Anna
dc.contributor.authorAudibert, Gerard
dc.contributor.authorAzouvi, Philippe
dc.contributor.authorAzzolini, Maria Luisa
dc.contributor.authorBartels, Ronald
dc.contributor.authorBarzó, Pál
dc.contributor.authorBeauvais, Romuald
dc.contributor.authorBeer, Ronny
dc.contributor.authorBellander, Bo-Michael
dc.contributor.authorBelli, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorBenali, Habib
dc.contributor.authorBerardino, Maurizio
dc.contributor.authorBeretta, Luigi
dc.contributor.authorBlaabjerg, Morten
dc.contributor.authorBragge, Peter
dc.contributor.authorBrazinova, Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorBrinck, Vibeke
dc.contributor.authorBrooker, Joanne
dc.contributor.authorBrorsson, Camilla
dc.contributor.authorBuki, Andras
dc.contributor.authorBullinger, Monika
dc.contributor.authorCabeleira, Manuel
dc.contributor.authorCaccioppola, Alessio
dc.contributor.authorCalappi, Emaliana
dc.contributor.authorCalvi, Maria Rosa
dc.contributor.authorCameron, Peter
dc.contributor.authorLozano, Guillermo Carbayo
dc.contributor.authorCarbonara, Marco
dc.contributor.authorCavallo, Simona
dc.contributor.authorChevallard, Giorgio
dc.contributor.authorChieregato, Arturo
dc.contributor.authorCiterio, Giuseppe
dc.contributor.authorClusmann, Hans
dc.contributor.authorCoburn, Mark
dc.contributor.authorColes, Jonathan
dc.contributor.authorCooper, Jamie D.
dc.contributor.authorCorreia, Marta
dc.contributor.authorČović, Amra
dc.contributor.authorCurry, Nicola
dc.contributor.authorCzeiter, Endre
dc.contributor.authorSkandsen, Toril
dc.contributor.authorRøe, Cecilie
dc.contributor.authorRøise, Olav
dc.contributor.authorVik, Anne
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Patient-Reported Outcomes. 2023, 7 (90), .en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground Comparison of patient-reported outcomes in multilingual studies requires evidence of the equivalence of translated versions of the questionnaires. The present study examines the factorial validity and comparability of six language versions of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) administered to individuals following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research (CENTER-TBI) study. Methods Six competing RPQ models were estimated using data from Dutch (n = 597), English (n = 223), Finnish (n = 213), Italian (n = 268), Norwegian (n = 263), and Spanish (n = 254) language samples recruited six months after injury. To determine whether the same latent construct was measured by the best-fitting model across languages and TBI severity groups (mild/moderate vs. severe), measurement invariance (MI) was tested using a confirmatory factor analysis framework. Results The results did not indicate a violation of the MI assumption. The six RPQ translations were largely comparable across languages and were able to capture the same construct across TBI severity groups. The three-factor solution comprising emotional, cognitive, and somatic factors provided the best fit with the following indices for the total sample: χ2 (101) = 647.04, = 6.41, p < 0.001, CFI = 0.995, TLI = 0.994, RMSEA = 0.055, CI90%[0.051, 0.059], SRMR = 0.051. Conclusion The RPQ can be used in international research and clinical settings, allowing direct comparisons of scores across languages analyzed within the full spectrum of TBI severity. To strengthen the aggregated applicability across languages, further analyses of the utility of the response scale and comparisons between different translations of the RPQ at the item level are recommended.en_US
dc.rightsNavngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal*
dc.titleFactorial validity and comparability of the six translations of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire translations: results from the CENTER-TBI studyen_US
dc.title.alternativeFactorial validity and comparability of the six translations of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire translations: results from the CENTER-TBI studyen_US
dc.typePeer revieweden_US
dc.typeJournal articleen_US
dc.source.journalJournal of Patient-Reported Outcomesen_US

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