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dc.contributor.advisorMartin Høgh Olsen
dc.contributor.advisorIrene De La Torre Fornés
dc.contributor.authorBarajas Martínez, Laura
dc.description.abstractThis design proposal is based on the concept of light in Norway, and to this end, an exhibition space has been created in which users can feel and experience the different lights that can be found in different scenarios that the nature itself produces in this scandinavian country, whether during the winter months, which stand out for being long, hard and dark, or during the summer months, with so many hours of light, much shorter and more lively. In conclusion, this project aims to reflect Scandinavian culture in a very elegant way through art, design and technology. Therefore, the design of this exhibition space will cease to be exclusively visual and aesthetic to become a set of immersive experiences where users will be able to experience sensations they have never experienced before. In this way, the aim is to bring Norwegian culture closer to those people who do not know it, showing the magnificence of these natural phenomena and scenarios that can only be seen here in Norway and reducing them to their most essential and pure form, allowing their true essence to be appreciated with total clarity and simplicity within each one of the spaces.
dc.titleDesign of an ephemeral exhibition to experience the light in Norway
dc.typeMaster thesis

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