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dc.contributor.advisorRustom, Wassim R.
dc.contributor.authorHermann, Ragnhild
dc.description.abstractDenne oppgaven har som mål å undersøke de religiøse identitene til karakterne Nicholas Higgins og Linda Brent/Harriet Jacobs i henholdsvis Elizabeth Gaskells industriroman North and South og Harriet Jacobs' slavefortelling Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Teksten gransker Higgins' og Jacobs' holdninger til religion som helhet, i tillegg til hvordan de ser på religion med tanke på barna sine og miljøet de lever i, samt at den undersøker hvordan religion eksisterte i de virkelig samfunnene og tidsperiodene som bøkene utleder fra, nærmere bestemt industrielle samfunn i Nord-England i Victoriatiden og slavebundne samfunn i de landlige Sørstatene i USA.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to examine the religious identities of characters Nicholas Higgins and Linda Brent/Harriet Jacobs of Elizabeth Gaskell's industrial novel North and South and Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, respectively. The text looks at Higgins' and Jacobs' attitude towards religion as a whole, as well as how they view religion in relation to their children and to their surroundings, and in this also investigates what religion looked like in the real-world societies and time periods which the books derive from, namely the Victorian era industrial communities in Northern England and enslaved communities in the rural American South.
dc.titleReligion in the face of adversity; an examination of Harriet Jacobs and Nicholas Higgins
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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