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dc.contributor.advisorSteinert, Martin
dc.contributor.advisorAasland, Knut Einar
dc.contributor.advisorGundersen, Hans
dc.contributor.advisorMedicak, Laerdal
dc.contributor.advisorErichsen, Jørgen Falck
dc.contributor.authorAuflem, Marius
dc.description.abstractPrototyping has become widely adopted across engineering design practices and is suggested practical and reflective advantages in new product development. Although this has yielded increased research focus, holistic and empirically grounded insight into —what prototyping entails in projects, how prototyping is facilitated, and why prototyping should be encouraged is nevertheless limited. This thesis involves an industrial research project joint between Laerdal Medical and TrollLABS NTNU, regarding prototype-driven development in the fuzzy front end. The project considers the context of simulation-based medical training equipment and investigates how prototyping contributes to their development. This thesis includes 11 academic contributions and 10 case projects and initiatives presented and utilized in a binding article. The research project has pursued and addressed three goals: 1.) Explore new product opportunities within the healthcare training domain. 2.) Develop and utilize new technology for healthcare training applications. 3.) Enhance process knowledge and methodological foundation on which Laerdal Medical, as the industry partner and stakeholder, develop new concepts and technology. The collective research output of case projects, activities, and academic contributions address the two first goals, while the binding article of this thesis addresses the third. Chapters 4, 5, and 6, each viewed from an organizational level, —describe prototyping to develop new medical training equipment, facilitate prototype-driven development by wayfaring, and expand organizational knowledge by prototyping. The chapters address what, how, and why we prototype in industrial and research settings, and they account for three individual learning loops. Respectively, the chapters present empirical insights for operational, tactical, and strategic use of prototyping in the fuzzy front end of new product development.en_US
dc.description.abstractSammendrag Prototyping har blitt utbredt I design- og produktutviklings-praksis, og er sett på som et nyttig verktøy for å skape og lære under utviklingen av nye produkter. Selv om det har blitt forsket på prototyping, mangler man en helhetlig forståelse av hvordan prototyping brukes I prosjekter, hvordan man kan legge til rette for prototyping, og hvorfor prototyping bør fokuseres på. Denne oppgaven beskriver et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Laerdal Medical og TrollLABS NTNU, som omhandler prototypedrevet utviklingen i Fuzzy Front End. Prosjektet har involvert utviklingen av medisinsk simulering- og trenings-utstyr, og hvordan prototyping bidrar til denne utviklingen. Oppgaven inneholder 11 vitenskapelige artikler og 10 case -prosjekter og -initiativer som blir brukt I en sammenfattende avhandling. Forskningsprosjektet har følgende mål: 1.) Utforske nye produktmuligheter innen medisinsk opplæring og trening. 2.) Utvikle og nyttiggjøre seg av ny teknologi og applikasjoner for medisinsk opplæring og trening. 3.) Styrke kunnskapsfundamentet som samarbeidspartner og prosjekteier, Laerdal Medical, bruker til å utvikle nye konsepter og teknologi. De samlede forskingsresultatene, i form av case-prosjekter, aktiviteter og akademiske bidrag, tar for seg de to første målene, mens denne avhandlingen vil ta for seg det tredje. Kapittel 4, 5 og 6, alle sett fra ett organisasjonsnivå, beskriver prototyping for å utvikle nytt medisinsk treningsutstyr, tilrettelegge for prototypedrevet utvikling ved hjelp av wayfaring, og forbedre organisasjonskunnskap og læring ved prototyping. Kapitlene tar for seg hva, hvordan og hvorfor vi prototyper i industrielle- og forsknings -miljøer, og de står for tre individuelle læringssløyfer. Henholdsvis presenterer kapitlene empirisk innsikt for operasjonell, taktisk og strategisk bruk av prototyping i Fuzzy Front End av produktutvikling.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDoctoral theses at NTNU;2023:217
dc.relation.haspartC1: Auflem, Marius; Erichsen, Jorgen Falck; Steinert, Martin. Exemplifying Prototype-Driven Development through Concepts for Medical Training Simulators. Procedia CIRP 2019 ;Volum 84. s. 572-578 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)en_US
dc.relation.haspartC2: Auflem, Marius; Bøe, Hans Hagenes; Erichsen, Jørgen Falck; Steinert, Ralf Martin. ON PROTOTYPING METHODS TO LEVERAGE NON-RIGID MATERIALS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF ENGINEERING DESIGN. Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference 2020 s. 2445-2454 This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licence (
dc.relation.haspartC3: Auflem, Marius; Kohtala, Sampsa; Jung, Malte; Steinert, Martin. Facing the FACS—Using AI to Evaluate and Control Facial Action Units in Humanoid Robot Face Development. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2022 ;Volum 9. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).en_US
dc.relation.haspartC:4 Ege, Daniel Nygård; Lilleløkken, Oscar; Auflem, Marius; Steinert, Ralf Martin. Dealing with Ecological Validity and User Needs when Developing Simulation Based Training Equipment – Case Study of a Medical Palpation Task Trainer. Procedia CIRP 2020 ;Volum 91. s. 722-727 This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licenceen_US
dc.relation.haspartC:5 Lilleløkken, Oscar; Ege, Daniel Nygård; Auflem, Marius; Steinert, Martin. Proposing a novel approach for testing complex medical task trainer prototypes. I: Proceedings of the NordDesign 2020 conference
dc.relation.haspartC6: Ege, Daniel Nygård; Auflem, Marius; Lilleløkken, Oscar; Steinert, Ralf Martin. User involvement in early-stage design of medical training devices – case of a palpation task trainer prototype. Design for Health 2021 ;Volum 5.(2) s. 214-232 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (
dc.relation.haspartC7: Rørvik, Sigurd Bjarne; Auflem, Marius; Dybvik, Henrikke; Steinert, Ralf Martin. Perception by Palpation: Development and Testing of a Haptic Ferrogranular Jamming Surface. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2021 ;Volum 8. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)en_US
dc.relation.haspartC8: Steffensen, Torjus Lines; Auflem, Marius; Vestad, Håvard; Steinert, Martin. Embedded Soft Inductive Sensors to Measure Arterial Expansion of Tubular Diameters in Vascular Phantoms. IEEE Sensors Journal 2022 ;Volum 22.(7) s. 7240-7247 This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).en_US
dc.relation.haspartC9: Ege, Daniel Nygård; Auflem, Marius; Steinert, Ralf Martin. Lost in Transit: Implications and Insights for Making Medical Task Trainer Prototypes with an Open Source Hardware Paradigm. Proceedings of the Design Society 2022 s. 1253-1262 This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives licence (
dc.relation.haspartC11: Henriksen, Emil Matias; Auflem, Marius; Steinert, Martin. A pain in the neck: prototyping and testing of a patient simulator neck for spinal immobilization training. Design for Health 2023 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
dc.titleDevelopment of Medical Training Equipment through Prototyping, Wayfaring, and Triple Loop Learning: Industrial Research at Laerdal Medicalen_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US

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