The aim of this thesis is to analyze the grooming processes in My Dark Vanessa and Boy Toy, and to chart which consequences arise after educator sexual abuse. Building on the #metoo movement and other media coverage on educator sexual abuse, the first chapter introduces a theoretical foundation on grooming and provides a historical context to the issue. The next chapters examine the grooming processes in both novels, and the consequences that arise because of the sexual abuse. Since the novels portray very distinctive differences in both grooming processes and consequences due to different gender dyads, the influence of gender is included throughout the analysis to showcase how gender scripts and sexual scripts affect the victims and the offenders. The final chapter explains what the findings of the analysis can tell us about the contemporary understanding of educator sexual abuse based on gender scripts that shape how readers interpret the novels. By holding educational institutions and society itself accountable for their responses to grooming and educator sexual abuse, I conclude the thesis by proposing a shift in the presently taboo attitude toward educator sexual abuse. Lastly, I present solutions to ensure that educators who sexually abuse students become such a rarity that, when it does occur, each case is handled with the care and regard it deserves to ensure it will not happen again.