The use of BIM for users’ involvement in Sustainable Building Renovation, a literature review
This paper presents the result of theoretical and empirical research on the use of the building information model technology (BIM) for end-users’ involvement in sustainable building renovation projects. Findings of this study will be the basis for further research on the development of an upscaled theoretical model for citizen engagement in sustainable urban development. The study analyzes the academic literature on the use of BIM for end-users’ involvement purposes. The purpose of this review is to understand the connection between end-users’ needs and the opportunities inherent to BIM technology to include them. The past twenty years of scientific literature on the topic has been assessed and the trends as well as possible research gaps and potential for future research have been identified. Google Scholar, Science direct and Scopus were used to select the literature following a set of principles to ensure the scientific quality of each source. Empirical data was collected during a summer school organized by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. Students were challenged by the Norwegian Federation of Housing Cooperatives to design a BIM-based solution for engaging homeowners in the sustainable renovation of their collective building blocks and outdoor area. The scarcity of literature found in the review process indicates that the field is not yet well covered by research, furthermore the majority of the publications are no older than ten years. Looking at the trends, we could find the focus in “user BIM” from different perspectives e.g. longer user phase, building adaptability, accommodation to new demands, dentification of urban areas due to demography, nodes with different stakeholders and Urban FM. It was also found that most available research on the topic focus on proposing tools and methods for the collection of users’ need in order to influence the design at a set point rather than approaching the involvement process from a 81 lifetime perspective. From a practical point of view, a digital platform was developed and tested using interactive 3D models to engage people in giving feedback and receiving information regarding the renovation project. The study focuses on the possible contribution of end-users for achieving the sustainability goals in the building sector and how to engage them using information modelling technologies. In this study, the BIM technology was specifically selected above all other visualization tools, the reason for it being that BIM allows for feedback and immediate response on changes in the design or the embedded information thanks to its interoperability with simulation software. In this paper, end-users are defined as those who live in, use or own the building in its operational phase. They are for the most part non-expert from outside the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry, and they are not involved in the design or construction phases when new block of flats is made. They just must take what they get. For renovation project situation for involvement is present and gives a lot of opportunities. This literature review excludes conference proceedings, books and is only showing the current state of research as published in peer-reviewed journals as per today. The paper demonstrates the need for end-users’ involvement in sustainable building renovation, the use of information modelling technologies in serving this purpose and the possible widening of the end-users’ needs to include a lifetime perspective. Combining sustainable building renovation and users’ involvement topics and investigating the use of BIM in this context, this paper proposes an overview of available methods, tools and frameworks in the field. It proposes to consider a lifetime dimension to the users’ involvement process in order to achieve sustainability goals at a societal level.