Travelling and global-in-time solutions of water wave equations with mild and nonlocal dispersion
Has parts
Paper 1: Ehrnstrom, Mats; Remonato, Filippo; Mæhlen, Ola Isaac Høgåsen; Johnson, Mathew A. On the Bifurcation Diagram of the Capillary–Gravity Whitham Equation. Water Waves 2019 ;Volum 1. s. 275-313 2: Mæhlen, Ola Isaac Høgåsen. Solitary waves for weakly dispersive equations with inhomogeneous nonlinearities. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A 2020 ;Volum 40.(7) s. 4113-4130
Paper 3: Mæhlen, Ola Isaac Høgåsen; Xue, Jun. One sided Hölder regularity of global weak solutions of negative order dispersive equations arXiv:2107.01039v1
Paper 4: Ehrnstrom, Mats; Ola Isaac Høgåsen; Varholm, Kristoffer. On the precise behaviour of extreme solutions to a family of nonlocal dispersive equations.