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dc.contributor.advisorChadney, Oscar
dc.contributor.authorLautrup, Ane
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractDet antages at hippocampus danner minder fra input formidlet fra det mediale og laterale entorhinale cortex, som typisk tilskrives henholdsvis rumlig og ikke-rumlig informationsbehandling. Anatomiske, fysiologiske og adfærdsmæssige eksperimenter har ikke desto mindre afsløret, at den laterale entorhinal cortex (LEC) er et meget associerende og multimodalt område, selvom det stadig er uklart, hvordan LEC-input er integreret i hippocampus, især CA1-regionen. Denne afhandling havde til formål at undersøge, hvordan den specifikke manipulation af en LEC lag IIa (LIIa) subpopulation er integreret i CA1. Først udførte vi ekstracellulære elektrofysiologiske optagelser i CA1 fra transgene mus, der udtrykker en excitatorisk ’Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs’, hM3Dq, i LEC LIIa i en velkendt åben arena. Her påvirkede øget LEC LIIa-aktivitet ikke placeringen af af hvor CA1-stedceller var aktive. Derudover fremkaldte vores manipulation på et populationsniveau et mildt nedsat aktivitetsniveau for CA1-placeringsceller i et familiært miljø i modsætning til tidligere rapporter om øget aktivitet under MEC LII-depolarisering, og tilknytning af LEC til ændringer af ”rate remapping”i CA3. Depolarisering af LEC LIIa neuroner var i stedet forbundet med en stigning i oscillationer i theta (5-11 Hz) og medium gamma (60-110 Hz) frekvensbåndene, selvom yderligere undersøgelse er nødvendig for at forstå den nøjagtige underliggende mekanisme.Vi etablerede også en målrettet adfærdsopgave og en strategi for at optage calcium aktivitet i CA1 til fremtidige eksperimenter, der skal undersøge, om LEC LIIa påvirker downstream-aktivitet når dyrene befinder sig i sensorisk mere komplekse miljøer.
dc.description.abstractThe hippocampus is thought to form memories from input conveyed by the medial and lateral entorhinal cortex which are typically attributed to spatial and non-spatial information processing respectively. Anatomical, physiological, and behavioural studies have nevertheless revealed that the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) is a highly associative and multimodal area, though it remains unclear how LEC input is integrated in the hippocampus, in particular the CA1 region. This thesis aimed to examine how the specific manipulation of a LEC layer IIa (LIIa) subpopulation is integrated in CA1. First, we performed extracellular electrophysiological recordings in CA1 from transgenic mice expressing an excitatory Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs, hM3Dq, in LEC LIIa in a familiar open field arena. Here, increased LEC LIIa activity did not affect the location of firing of CA1 place cells. In addition, at a population level, our manipulation elicited mild decreased firing rate of CA1 place cells in a stable environment, in contrast to previous reports of increased activity during MEC LII depolarisation and the LEC being linked to rate remapping in CA3. Depolarisation of LEC LIIa neurons was instead associated with an increase in oscillatory power in the theta (5-11 Hz) and medium gamma (60-110 Hz) frequency bands, though further investigation is necessary to understand the precise underlying mechanism. Second, for future experiments probing whether LEC LIIa influences downstream activity in a context involving more complex sensory features, we set up a goal-oriented behaviour task and a calcium imaging strategy for CA1 recordings.
dc.titleInvestigating the Role of LEC LII in Hippocampal CA1 Dynamics Through Chemogenetic Manipulation
dc.typeMaster thesis

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