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dc.contributor.advisorPiehl, Henry
dc.contributor.advisorHenning Halse, Karl
dc.contributor.authorLabate, Carolina Vanesa
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractMålet med denne masteroppgaven var å få en grundig forståelse av rullebevegelsen til en overflateskjærende hydrofoil båt. For å gjøre dette to NACA foil profiler ble valgt til å bli testet i et fram foil V-formet konfigurasjon. Et utvalg av simuleringer og en optimaliserings iterasjonsprosess var implementert for å få det beste settet med variabler for hydrofoil geometrien.
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this thesis was to give a thorough understanding of the roll motion on a surface piercing boat. For this, two NACA profiles were chosen to be tested in a front foil V-shaped configuration. A set of simulations and an optimization iteration process was implemented to get the best set of variables for the hydrofoil geometry.
dc.titleCFD Based Optimization of Surface-Piercing V-foils
dc.typeMaster thesis

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