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dc.contributor.advisorØien-Vikaune, Ane
dc.contributor.authorStrømmen, Emma Drevvatne
dc.description.abstractDenne oppgaven består av en analyse av Immigration Reform and Control Act fra 1986, og Zero Tolerance Policy fra 2018, og hvordan de var tegn på en nativistisk ideologi blandt den amerikanske befolkningen. Forskningen undersøker den historiske utviklingen av meksikansk immigrasjon i USA og hvordan regjeringen kjempet for å kontrollere tilstrømningen av ulovelige immigranter. Dette problemet førte til at Ronald Reagan og Donald Trump iverksatte disse tiltakene. Tilhengerne av disse statlige tiltakene hevdet at meksikanerne påvirket det amerikanske samfunnet negativt. Disse forutintatte holdningene rettet mot immigranter fra Latin-Amerika har rot i økonomiske forhold så vel som syn på etnisk bakgrunn. Resultatene viser hvordan immigrasjon fra Latin-Amerika har utviklet seg til å bli en mer sentral problemstilling for republikanerne i dag, enn i 1980.
dc.description.abstractThis bachelor thesis provides an analysis of how the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, and the 2018 Zero Tolerance Policy, show signs of a nativist ideology among the American population. The research investigates the historical development of Mexican immigration in the United States and how the government struggled to control the influx of illegal aliens. This issue eventually led to the initiation of the act and the policy, by the two former Republican presidents: Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Nativist supporters of these governmental actions believed that Mexicans were negatively affecting the American population and the structure of their society. Their prejudiced attitudes towards the immigrants from south of the border were based on economic reasons and on views of the ethnicity. The results of the research in this bachelor thesis provides evidence for how Latino immigration developed into becoming a much more critical problem among Republicans in politics today, than what it was in the 1980s.
dc.titleThe Concept of Nativism in U.S. Latino Immigration Politics
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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