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dc.contributor.advisorBakke, Margrethe
dc.contributor.advisorFjørtoft, Barbro
dc.contributor.authorAbelseth, Eirin
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractHeniskten med denne oppgaven var å identifisere fordelane og grunner til at en en merkevareiger burde fokusere å øke den observerte veriden av deres merkevarer. Undersøkelses metodene var gjort ved å undersøke eksisterende litteratur og forskning på temaet. Intervjuar var og gjennomført for å måle om norske studentar hadde kunnskap om merkevaren til selskapet, Brush with bamboo. Hovedkildene for denne forskinga var basert på undersøkelser gjort av Kevin L. Keller or Professor David A. Aaker. Måleiningane var; Å identifisere fordelane og viktigheitene av forbruker merkevare kunnskap. Å måle vikle grad norske studentar har merkevarekunnskap om merket, Brush with bamboo. Å identifisere og utforske hvordan merkevarekunnskap om merket, Brush with bamboo. Problemstillinge var: Hva er fordelen med å auke studentars merkevarkeunnsakp om merket, Brush with bamboo?
dc.description.abstractThe intention behind this research was to identify the benefit and implication connected to the benefits of perceived brand equity derived form consumer brand awareness. This concept was approached thought conducting and explaining the different aspects connecting brand building, market knowledge, cause related marketing. and the importance of attributing value to a brand. The main sources of influence were research conducted by Kevin L. Keller and Professor David A. Aaker. The specific objectives where to; • To identify the benefits and importance of consumer-brand awareness. • To identify and measure to what degree Norwegian students are aware of the brand, Brush with bamboo. • To identify and explore how awareness can enhance and attribute value to the brand, Brush with bamboo. • To examine the significance and implications of the research findings; and to identify how the research findings can benefit the brand, Brush with bamboo. The main objective of the research was to answer: What are the benefits of increasing Norwegian students’ awareness of the brand, Brush with bamboo? The research question was answered in illustrating the benefits of establishing brand awareness thought attributing value to a brand. The primary source of these findings was drawn from research explored in the literature review. Further research done to demonstrate some of the finings demonstrated in precious research, was done using the primary data from an interview.
dc.titleThe benefits of consumer-brand awareness
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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