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dc.contributor.advisorFormo, Daniel Buner
dc.contributor.authorAandahl, Eigil
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractThis master thesis project explores the use of network music performance and telematics with hardware and virtual modular synthesizers to look at affordances for musical practice, with the research question being what the emergent telematic affordances of a networked modular synthesizer are? The project involves developing a prototype network interface with Max/MSP and routing scheme for interconnecting a virtual modular synthesizer, in this case VCV Rack, with an analogue Eurorack modular synthesizer equipped with DC-coupled interface modules. The thesis contextualises itself in a historical perspective on modular synthesizers and hybrid analogue digital music studios, as well as give a literature review of four relevant papers on networked music systems. The prototype is tested with regards to latency and network in the context of network music performance and evaluated in terms of its affordances to music practice and telematics. It is demonstrated with a video published on the MCT blog. Lastly, the thesis discusses the expanded high-level modular system and affordances provided by such a solution, as demonstrated with the prototype. As well as possible impact on musical practice and MCT, and it provides a discussion of alternative approaches to interconnecting modular synthesizer systems using different technologies and tools.
dc.titleInterconnecting Modular Synthesizers Using the Web
dc.typeMaster thesis

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