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dc.contributor.advisorViktoriya Fedorchak
dc.contributor.authorBirk Sindre Hegstad
dc.description.abstractDefinisjonen av et radikalt høyre parti kan være utfordrende og vanskelig å definere. De siste årene har radikale høyre parti i Europa opplevd en økt popularitet. Tyskland og Portugal er ingen unntak og i denne oppgaven er partiene Alternative for Tyskland og Chega blitt analysert. Jeg har prøvd å gjennomføre en komparativ analyse hvor jeg ser på årsakene til deres økt popularitet. Jeg ønsker gjennom demografiske og geografiske analyser gi et bidrag for å kunne skape en bedre generell teori for den radikale høyre ekstremismen som har skylt innover Europa de siste tiårene.
dc.description.abstractThe debate and definition on radical right populism is an elusive and difficult topic. The radical right having evolved in a staggering way the last decades have broken its previous definition. Before mainly seen as a xenophobic party strongly opposed to anti-immigration many parties have today become complete political parties. The two radical right-wing parties in Germany and Portugal, the alterative for Germany and Chega have presented new challenges to the ruling governments. In this thesis I take on the definition of radical right wing parties, I further seek to understand how one can explain its rise in popularity the recent years as well as comparing the parties. Seeking to further bring the debate on how to create a more generalized theory on the radial right-wing movements I seek to look on demographic and geographical explanations in each of the countries. Contributing a comparative study between the German and Portuguese party.
dc.titleThe radical right populism in Germany and Portugal, a comparative study
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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