• Vocal tract anatomy of king penguins: Morphological traits of two-voiced sound production 

      Kriesell, Hannah Joy; Le Bohec, Céline; Cerwenka, Alexander F.; Hertel, Moritz; Robin, Jean Patrice; Ruthensteiner, Bernhard; Gahr, Manfred; Aubin, Thierry; Düring, Daniel Normen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Background The astonishing variety of sounds that birds can produce has been the subject of many studies aiming to identify the underlying anatomical and physical mechanisms of sound production. An interesting feature of ...
    • Voice features in academic texts – A review of empirical studies 

      Stock, Ingrid; Eik-Nes, Nancy Lea (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The term voice is frequently used in current writing research. This review gives an overview of empirical studies which aimed to identify voice features in academic texts written by students and/or professional writers. ...
    • Voice quality in Norwegian: effects of dialect, speaker age, sex, and speaking mode 

      van Dommelen, Wim A. (Chapter, 2023)
      This study investigates the effect of Norwegian speakers’ dialectal background, age, and sex as well as speaking mode on voice quality. Recordings of read and semi-spontaneous speech were used to analyze short and long /a/ ...
    • Void nucleation and growth in mineral-filled PVC - An experimental and numerical study 

      Ognedal, Anne Serine; Clausen, Arild Holm; Berstad, Torodd; Seelig, Thomas; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The nucleation and growth of voids in mineral-filled PVC have been investigated through experimental and numerical studies. Uniaxial tensile specimens were deformed in tension to different elongation levels and then unloaded. ...
    • Voids and bodies: August Schmarsow, Bruno Zevi and space as a historiographical theme 

      Gullberg, Johanna Sofia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The understanding that the concept of space should constitute one of the major concerns of architectural theory was first articulated in the work of August Schmarsow, and from Schmarsow's writings this notion came to ...
    • Volatile organic compound release across a permafrost-affected peatland 

      Jiao, Yi; Davie-Martin, Cleo L.; Kramshøj, Magnus; Christiansen, Casper Tai; Lee, Hanna; Althuizen, Inge; Rinnan, Riikka (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      As the permafrost region experiences unprecedented climate warming, accelerated decomposition rates are potentially switching these cold landscapes to a hotspot of carbon emissions. In addition to the more widely studied ...
    • The Volatility of Housing Prices: Do Different Types of Financial Intermediaries Affect Housing Market Cycles Differently? 

      Braun, Julia; Burghof, Hans-Peter; Langer, Julius; Sommervoll, Dag Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Housing markets display several correlations to multiple economic sectors of an economy. Their enormous impact on economies’ health, wealth, and stability is uncontroversial. Interestingly, the forms of financing residential ...
    • Voldsutsatthet blant skeive med innvandrerbakgrunn 

      Stubberud, Elisabeth; Eggebø, Helga (Chapter, 2020)
      This chapter analyses experiences of violence among queer immigrants in Norway. The aim of the chapter is to explore the various experiences of violence, and how vulnerability to violence is related to the wider patterns ...
    • Voltage control of superconducting exchange interaction and anomalous Josephson effect 

      Ouassou, Jabir Ali; Linder, Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Exerting control over the magnetic exchange interaction in heterostructures is of both basic interest and has potential for use in spin-based applications relying on quantum effects. We show that the sign of the exchange ...
    • Voltage Sensor Fault Detection in Li-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems 

      Reddy, Namireddy Praveen; Cai, Yuxuan; Skjetne, Roger; Papageorgiou, Dimitrios (Chapter, 2022)
      Safe and optimal operation of battery energy storage systems requires correct measurement of voltage, current, and temperature. Therefore, fast and correct detection of sensor faults is of great importance. In this paper, ...
    • Voltage Stability Monitoring using a Modified Thevenin Impedance 

      Polster, Stefan; Renner, Herwig; Duong, Dinh Thuc; Uhlen, Kjetil (Chapter, 2017)
      This paper presents a method for voltage stability monitoring based on the maximum power transfer to the load. The only required information is the system topology, the data from PMUs and the operational status of synchronous ...
    • Voltage-independent GluN2A-type NMDA receptor Ca2+ signaling promotes audiogenic seizures, attentional and cognitive deficits in mice 

      Bertocchi, Ilaria; Eltokhi, Ahmed; Rozov, Andrey; Nguyễn Chi, Vivan; Jensen, Vidar; Bus, Thorsten; Pawlak, Verena; Serafino, Marta; Sonntag, Hannah; Yang, Boyi; Burnashev, Nail; Li, Shi-Bin; Obenhaus, Horst-Andreas; Both, Martin; Niewoehner, Burkhard; Single, Frank N.; Briese, Michael; Boerner, Thomas; Gass, Peter; Rawlins, John Nick P.; Köhr, Georg; Bannerman, David M.; Sprengel, Rolf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The NMDA receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling during simultaneous pre- and postsynaptic activity is critically involved in synaptic plasticity and thus has a key role in the nervous system. In GRIN2-variant patients alterations ...
    • Voltage-induced thin-film superconductivity in high magnetic fields 

      Ouassou, Jabir Ali; Vethaak, Tom Doekle; Linder, Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We predict that superconductivity in mesoscopic thin films can be stabilized in high magnetic fields if the superconductor is driven out of equilibrium by a DC voltage bias. For realistic material parameters and temperatures, ...
    • Volterra operators on Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series 

      Brevig, Ole Fredrik; Perfekt, Karl-Mikael; Seip, Kristian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      For a Dirichlet series symbol g.s/ D P n 1 bnn s , the associated Volterra operator Tg acting on a Dirichlet series f .s/ D P n 1 ann s is defined by the integral f 7! Z C1 s f .w/g0 .w/ dw: We show that Tg is a bounded ...
    • Volume and shape of subcortical grey matter structures related to headache: A cross-sectional population-based imaging study in the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study 

      Husøy, Andreas Kattem; Pintzka, Carl Wolfgang Schøyen; Eikenes, Live; Håberg, Asta; Hagen, Knut; Linde, Mattias; Stovner, Lars Jacob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Background The relationship between subcortical nuclei and headache is unclear. Most previous studies were conducted in small clinical migraine samples. In the present population-based MRI study, we hypothesized that ...
    • Volume and Visual Field Defects in Occipital Stroke: The NOR-OCCIP Study 

      Tharaldsen, Ane Roushan; Kurz, Kathinka Dæhli; Kurz, Martin; Midelfart, Anna; Sand, Kristin Modalsli; Dalen, Ingvild; Hoff, Jana Midelfart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Introduction. The majority of patients with occipital infarcts display homonymous visual field defects (VFD), with negative implications on activities of daily living and quality of life. To overcome the disability, better ...
    • Volume Free Strain Energy Density Method for Applications to Blunt V-Notches 

      Foti, Pietro; Razavi, Seyed Mohammad Javad; Marsavina, Liviu; Berto, Filippo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This work investigates the application of the strain energy density method to rounded V-notches under mode I loading conditions and to components without stress concentrators through finite element models that do not involve ...
    • Volume growth during uniaxial tension of particle-filled elastomers at various temperatures–Experiments and modelling 

      Ilseng, Arne; Skallerud, Bjørn Helge; Clausen, Arild Holm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      A common presumption for elastomeric material behaviour is incompressibility, however, the inclusion of filler particles might give rise to matrix-particle decohesion and subsequent volume growth. In this article, the ...
    • A volume-averaged model for acoustic streaming induced by focused ultrasound in soft porous media 

      Price, Sebastian Everard Nordby; Hansen, Rune; Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Equations describing acoustic streaming in soft, porous media driven by focused ultrasound are derived based on the assumption that acoustic waves pass through the porous material as if it were homogeneous. From these ...
    • Volumetric strain measurement of polymeric materials subjected to uniaxial tension 

      Andersen, Marius Endre; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Clausen, Arild Holm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      A novel method for measuring and calculating volumetric strain in circular cylindrical uniaxial tension samples made from polymeric materials is proposed. It is shown that special considerations must be taken when calculating ...