• How Volunteers Contribute to Persons with Dementia Coping in Everyday Life 

      Malmedal, Wenche Karin; Steinsheim, Gunn; Nordtug, Bente; Blindheim, Kari; Alnes, Rigmor Einang; Moe, Aud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Introduction: The society needs volunteers to fulfill its duty to ensure that people with dementia have active and meaningful everyday lives. Volunteers seem to experience their work as positive and meaningful for their ...
    • How vortex dynamics affects the structural load in step cylinder flow 

      Tian, Cai; Zhu, Jianxun; Holmedal, Lars Erik; Andersson, Helge; Jiang, Fengjian; Pettersen, Bjørnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      The vortex dynamics and the structural load in a step cylinder (consisting of a small, d, and a large, D, cylinder) flow are investigated numerically at Reynolds number (ReD) 150 for diameter ratios D/d=2.0,2.4 and 2.8. ...
    • How we did it: approach and methods 

      Hopmann, David Nicolas; Esser, Frank; de Vreese, Claes H.; Aalberg, Toril; van Aelst, Peter; Berganza, Rosa; Hubé, Nicolas; Legnante, Guido; Matthes, Jörg; Papathanssopoulos, Stylianos; Reinemann, Carsten; Salgado, Susana; Sheafer, Tamir; Stanyer, James; Strömbäck, Jesper (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The analyses in this book are based on a dataset covering information on more than 7,500 news items and more than 28,000 sources that appear in the news items. How did we gather these news items? In the process of designing ...
    • How well do doctors understand a scientific article in English when it is not their first language? A randomised controlled trial 

      Rostadmo, Martine; Strømme, Siri Lunde; Nylenna, Magne; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Hem, Erlend; Skovlund, Eva; Brean, Are; Ørstavik, Ragnhild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Introduction English is the lingua franca of science. How well doctors understand English is therefore crucial for their understanding of scientific articles. However, only 5% of the world’s population have English as their ...
    • How well do neurosurgeons predict survival in patients with high-grade glioma? 

      Sagberg, Lisa Millgård; Jakola, Asgeir S.; Reinertsen, Ingerid; Solheim, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Due to the lack of reliable prognostic tools, prognostication and surgical decisions largely rely on the neurosurgeons’ clinical prediction skills. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of neurosurgeons’ prediction ...
    • Höchtemperatur-Wärmepumpen mit natürlichen Kältemitteln : Fallstudien zur HTWP-Integration für industrielle Kälte- und Prozessheisswasserherstellung 

      Schlemminger, Christian; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Foslie, Sverre Stefanussen; Moen, Ole Marius; Bantle, Michael; Hafner, Armin; Jenssen, Sigmund (Chapter, 2021)
      Thermische Prozesse in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie, wie z. B. Molkereien sind oftmals eine Kombination aus Erwärmung und Abkühlung eines Produktes. Prozesskühlung wird dabei meistens mittels einer Wärmepumpe erzielt, wobei ...
    • An hp-adaptive quadrature method for irregular integrands: Application to the population balance equation birth term 

      Engh, Mathias; Solsvik, Jannike; Jakobsen, Hugo Atle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The solution of the population balance equation requires the integration of several source terms. In the numerical weighted residuals methods, Gaussian quadrature is a natural candidate for numerical integration. Previous ...
    • HPLC Analysis of Aliphatic Sulfonate Surfactants using Ion-Pair Detection 

      Zahrobsky, M; Camporese, D; Rist, Øystein; Carlsen, Per Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      A method was developed for the analysis of a number of surfactants which contained no UV-chromophores, using RP-HPLC with Indirect Photometric Detection, IPD. Pyridinium salts such as N-methylpyridinium iodide, ...
    • HPV self-sampling among long-term non-attenders to cervical cancer screening in Norway: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial 

      Aasbø, Gunvor; Trope, Ameli; Nygård, Mari; Christiansen, Irene Kraus; Baasland, Ingrid; Iversen, Grete Alræk; Munk, Ane Cecilie Dæhli; Christiansen, Marit Halonen; Presthus, Gro Kummeneje; Undem, Karina; Bjørge, Tone; Castle, Philip E.; Hansen, Bo Lars Thorvald Terning (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background Cervical cancer screening participation is suboptimal in most settings. We assessed whether human papillomavirus (HPV) self-sampling may increase screening participation among long-term non-attenders in Norway. ...
    • HSM: A Hybrid Slowdown Model for Multitasking GPUs 

      Zhao, Xia; Jahre, Magnus; Eeckhout, Lieven (Chapter, 2020)
      Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are increasingly widely used in the cloud to accelerate compute-heavy tasks. However, GPU-compute applications stress the GPU architecture in different ways --- leading to suboptimal resource ...
    • HSP90 C-terminal domain inhibition promotes VDAC1 oligomerization via decreasing K274 mono-ubiquitination in Hepatocellular Carcinoma 

      Zhang, Jinxin; Liu, Lixia; Li, Yan; Huang, Yaling; Xiao, Senbo; Deng, Zihao; Zheng, Zhenming; Li, Jieyou; Liang, Manfeng; Xie, Guantai; Chen, Xiao; Deng, Yaotang; Tan, Wenchong; Su, Hairou; Wu, Guibing; Cai, Chunqing; Chen, Xuemei; Zou, Fei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1 (VDAC1) is the most abundant protein in the mitochondrial outer membrane and plays a crucial role in the control of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) progress. Our previous ...
    • HTR: An ultra-high speed algorithm for cage recognition of clathrate hydrates 

      Liu, Yisi; Xu, Ke; Xu, Yihua; Liu, Jinjie; Wu, Jianyang; Zhang, Zhisen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Clathrate hydrates find diverse significant applications including but not limited to future energy resources, gas storage and transport, gas separation, water desalination, and refrigeration. Studies on the nucleation, ...
    • Hubroundersøkelser på Ytter-Vikna, Nærøysund kommune, i 2020 

      Husby, Magne; Dørum, Hilde (NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet naturhistorisk rapport;, Research report, 2021)
      Nord-Trøndelag Elektrisitetsverk (NTE) har planer om utbygging av vindkraft på Ytter-Vikna i Nærøysund kommune, og de ønsker derfor å få en oversikt over eventuell forekomst av hubro i området. Det ble i 2020 satt ut ni ...
    • HUCDO: A Hybrid User-Centric Data Outsourcing Scheme. 

      Huang, Ke; Zhang, Xiaosong; Wang, Xiaofeng; Mu, Yi; REZAEIBAGHA, FATEMEH; Xu, Guangquan; Wang, Hao; Zheng, Xi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Outsourcing helps relocate data from the cyber-physical system (CPS) for efficient storage at low cost. Current server-based outsourcing mainly focuses on the benefits of servers. This cannot attract users well, as their ...
    • Huge variation in obtaining ethical permission for a non-interventional observational study in Europe 

      de Lange, Dylan W.; Guidet, Bertrand R.; Andersen, Finn Husøy; Artigas, Antonio; Bertolini, Guido; Moreno, Rui; Christensen, Steffen; Cecconi, Maurizio; Agvald-Öhman, Christina; Gradišek, Primož; Jung, Christian; Marsh, Brian J.; Oeyen, Sandra; Bollen Pinto, Bernardo; Szczeklik, Wojciech; Watson, Ximena; Zafeiridis, Tilemachos; Flaatten, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background Ethical approval (EA) must be obtained before medical research can start. We describe the differences in EA for an pseudonymous, non-interventional, observational European study. Methods Sixteen European ...
    • hUGe2: An Interdisciplinary Research Program for Sustainability 

      Patón-Romero, Jose David; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Chapter, 2021)
      The continuous adoption and evolution of technology in all aspects and areas of our lives and our environment entails new and complex challenges and asks for interdisciplinary perspective to avoid biases that affect ...
    • Hukommelse etter iskemisk hjerneslag 

      Grambaite, Ramune; Arnesen Jacobsen, Marie; Hjemdal, Odin; Fladby, Tormod; Thommessen, Bente (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    • Human action recognition in videos using stable features 

      Ullah, Mohib; Ullah, Habib; Alseadonn, Ibrahim M (Journal article, 2017)
      Human action recognition is still a challenging problem and researchers are focusing to investigate this problem using different techniques. We propose a robust approach for human action recognition. This is achieved by ...
    • Human action recognition using attention based LSTM network with dilated CNN features 

      Muhammad, Khan; Mustaqeem, .; Ullah, Amin; Imran, Ali Shariq; Sajjad, Muhammad; Kiran, Mustafa Servet; Sannino, Giovanna; Alburguerque, Victor Hugo C., de (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Human action recognition in videos is an active area of research in computer vision and pattern recognition. Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) based systems are needed for human-behavior assessment and security purposes. ...