Excursion guide for the 6th IMCG field symposium in Norway 1994
Research report
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- Institutt for naturhistorie [1278]
This guide contains a description of the variations found among the mires in central Norway. The main emphasis is on the hydromorphology, flora and vegetation, but the bird fauna and conservational aspects are also included. The regionality of the vegetation is stressed (5 zones/belts and 5 sections have been mapped). Nine main mire localities that will be visited during the excursion are also described. Rørmyra (locality l), Kaldvassmyra (2) and Toppmyr/Røkmyr (9) are southern boreal mires with raised bog units. They represent three different (oceanic) sections. Tufsingdeltaet (3S,to rmyra (6) and Bakkedalen (8) are middleboreal mires representing some of the most continental areas in Norway (localities 5 and 6, the slightly continental section) and the most oceanic areas (locality 8, the highly oceanic section). Typical mire units are flark fens and sting mixed mires (5), flat fens (6) and blanket bogs (8). The final localities, Upper Forra (3), Sølendet (4) and Haukskardmyrin (7), are mainly of northern boreal type but in quite different sections. Sloping fens dominate localities 3 and 4, palsa mires (the southernmost in Fennoscandia) are typical for locality 7. A complete list of vascular plant and Sphagna species, and some selected bryophytes are presented for 13 mire localities. The list numbers 490 taxa. A new phytogeographical (floristic) classification of 225 mire plants in southern Norway is presented. It includes 3 sub-groups of each of the 5 groups (elements) of species: western, southern, southeastem, eastern and alpine/upper boreal.