Coaching in and for digital collaboration: - a case study of the use of video conferencing at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
This case study looks at and identifies what elements that are important when it comes to how The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, uses the possibilities that collaboration with video conferencing offer. The focus is mainly on human factors and culture, not on the technology itself. The data are based on statistics of video conferencing activities, existing strategies that deal with how NTNU approaches usage of video conferencing, and interviews with employees at NTNU who either offer video conference services or have knowledge about NTNU’s overall ambitions for use of video conferencing. Theories dealing with digital collaboration are used to examine what potential challenges NTNU is facing, and to give a deeper understanding of the status quo at NTNU. As a way to overcome identified challenges, the field of coaching is introduced as a potential solution. A coaching program that is specifically aimed at users of video conferencing is outlined, and the value of coaching techniques as solutions to some of the identified challenges is discussed. Eventually the connection between users and what implications they have on the culture of collaboration at NTNU is discussed.