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dc.contributor.advisorKvam, Hilde
dc.contributor.advisorRasmussen, Bjørn
dc.contributor.advisorAune, Vigdis
dc.contributor.authorSolvang, Emilie Hauan
dc.description.abstractI denne oppgaven drøfter jeg bruken av ytringsfrihet og sensur i det norske teateret. Mange er forledet til å tro at fullstendig ytringsfrihet er en selvfølge i det norske teateret, når den i realiteten oftest utsettes for subtile former for sensur. Likt hvordan keiseren i keiserns nye klær blir forledet til å tro at han har vakre klær når han i realiteten er naken. Jeg ser på hvordan ytringsklima og ytringsvennligheten i to forskjellige tidsperioder i Norge blir utført. De to tidsperiodene jeg analyserer er tidlig 1930 tallet og sent 2010 årene. Det eldste stykket er Guds grønne enger (1933) av Marc Connelly og det nyeste er Ways of Seeing av Pia Maria Roll. begge disse teaterstykkene skapte store reaksjoner i sin samtid. Noen reagerte så kraftig at de ønsket å endre og nekte å sette opp teaterstykkene. Oppgaven går inn og ser på tematikkene til begge disse forestillingene og drøfter hvorfor reaksjonene vokser til den grad de gjør. Underholdning er makt. Ytringsfrihet er lovfestet i det demokratiske Norge. Dette kan være ubehagelig for myndigheter og maktpersoner. Et slikt ubehag førte til at ensemblet som skapte Ways of Seeing ble rettslig forfulgt selv om de ikke brøt noen lover. Mennesker reagerer sterkt selv om ting er innenfor regelverkets rammer. Reaksjonene rundt Guds grønne enger ble så sterk at teateret ble nektet spilt for befolkningen. Temaet som førte til de sterke reaksjonene var i 1933 kristendommen. I moderne tid var det temaet rasisme og en video som utløste de store reaksjonene. Motstanden til begge disse stykkene vokste seg stor og av mektige mennesker. Innflytelsesfulle mennesker har fordeler med få frem sine meninger når en slik debatt kommer. Dette påvirker hvordan folkemasser forstår hendelser og tolker stykkene, selv om ingen nødvendigvis har sett stykkene engang. Store negative reaksjoner fra store folkemasser bryter bane for en for muligheten i sensur i ett demokrati. ord: 7999
dc.description.abstractIn this assignment i am going to discuss how censorship and the freedom of speech is used in the Norwegian theatre. A lot of people are led to believe the theatre has completely freedom of speech is granted in the Norwegian theatre, when in reality it is constantly exposed to subtle forms of censorship. Like how the emperor is led to believe he is wearing gorgeous clothes when in reality he is naked. I am looking at how the climate and the use of the freedom of speech is used in two different periods of time in Norway. The two different time periods I’m analyzing is the early 1930s and the late 2010s. The oldest play is by Marc Connelly and is called the Green Pastures (Guds grønne enger in Norwegian). The Newest play is Ways of Seeing (2018) by Pia Maria Roll. Both these plays created huge reactions in their contemporary time. Some reacted so much that they wanted to change and refuse the theaters to play the shows. The assignment looks at the themes these pieces presented and discuss why the reactions grows the way they did. Entertainment is power. The power of speech is statutory in the democratic Norway. This can be unconfutable for people in power and the authority. It was a discomfort that made Ways of Seeing become legally persecuted(rettslig forfulgt) even though the piece didn’t breake ant laws. Humans reacted strongly even though everything was according to the law. The reactions surrounding the Green Pastures became so resilient that the play was denied playd for the population. The themes that made the strong reactions accrue in the 1933 was Christianity. In modern times it was racism and a video that triggered the reactions. The resistance against both of these plays grew big because of powerful people. These people where influencers that had a big advantage to spread their opinion to the population, opposed to the artist who created the plays. This affected how people understood situations and interpreted the plays, even though the people speaking hadn’t necessary seen the plays they were discussing. Big negative reactions from big crowds can make opportunities for censorship in a democracy.
dc.titleTeaterets nye klær
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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