Fundamental Mechanisms of Ice Adhesion
Uønsket isdannelse skaper bade daglige problemer og farlige situasjoner hvert år. Heldigvis er det måter å hindre slik uønsket ising. Overflater med lav isvedheft, der isen sklir rett av overflaten, er en lovende metode for automatisk isfjerning. Slike overflater løser utfordringer med ising på alle strukturer slik som broer og kraftlinjer, i tillegg til biler og fly.
Målet med denne avhandlingen har vært å undersøke samhandlingen mellom is og overflater. Gjennom både eksperimenter og datasimuleringer kan tre hovedfunn presenteres: 1) Typen isdannelse må inkluderes når vi diskuterer isfjerning, 2) metoden brukt for å fjerne isen påvirker hvor lett isen er å fjerne, og 3) vann og is er tett knyttet sammen i måten de festes på en gitt overflate.
Denne avhandlingen presenterer for første gang viktigheten av hva slags metodikk som brukes for å teste is og anti-is overflater. Denne metodikken inkluderer både genereringen og testingen av isen, og kan legge grunnlaget for en verdensomspennende sammenligning av anti-is overflater med lav isvedheft, noe som er umulig i dag. Abstract
Unwanted icing cause both daily problems and dangerous situations every year. Luckily, there are ways to combat such unwanted icing. Low ice adhesion surfaces, where the ice simply slides off the surface in question, is a promising method for automatic removal of ice. Such surfaces solve the question of unwanted icing on all structures, as well as cars and airplanes.
The aim of this thesis has been to investigate the interaction between the ice and the surface. Through both experiments and computer simulations, three main findings may be presented: 1) The type of ice must be included when investigating ice removal, 2) the method for testing ice adhesion strength impacts the resulting ice adhesion strength, and 3) water and ice are intimately linked in fundamental interactions with a given surface.
This thesis presents the impact of testing methodology for ice adhesion surfaces for the first time. The methodology includes both the formation and testing set-up for the ice samples and may be a first step towards world-wide comparability of low ice adhesion surfaces, which is impossible today.
Has parts
Paper 1: Rønneberg, Sigrid; Laforte, Caroline; Volat, Christophe; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. The effect of ice type on ice adhesion. AIP Advances 2019 ;Volum 9.(5) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( 2: Rønneberg, Sigrid; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. The need for standards in low ice adhesion surface research: a critical review. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2020 ;Volum 34.(3) s. 319-347
Paper 3: Rønneberg, Sigrid; Zhuo, Yizhi; Laforte, Caroline; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. Interlaboratory study of ice adhesion using different techniques. Coatings 2019 ;Volum 9.(10) This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Paper 4: Rønneberg, Sigrid; Xiao, Senbo; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang. Nanoscale Correlations of Ice Adhesion Strength and Water Contact Angle. The final published version in Coatings 2020 ;Volum 10.(4) This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)