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dc.contributor.advisorHeegaard, Poul Einarnb_NO
dc.contributor.advisorFarshchian, Babaknb_NO
dc.contributor.authorBerg, Hans Ingenb_NO
dc.description.abstractAs increasingly more services and devices become integrated into pervasive systems, future network topologies will be vastly more sophisticated with numerous heterogeneous devices interconnected. To integrate a new service into this already complex network topology and traffic can give unwanted results if the functional blocks (applets) of a service are not placed at the best suited locations (devices). This thesis will look into the performance and scalability issues when confronted with options of multiple locations in which to run an applet. We will define a modelling framework taking into consideration system usage, network loads, device loads, overloads, timing requirements and propagation delays to mention some factors. In this framework we are able to set up our own scenarios with user patterns and the amount of users in the system. This framework will be written in Simula. From the output gained from this framework we can improve the system or the applets to improve overall traffic flow and resource usage. The framework will be run on a total of 8 different scenarios based on an airport usage model. We will have 6 static applets residing in their own devices and one dynamic applet which we will try to find the best location for within a predefined network topology. The amount of users can be set to a static amount or it can be a dynamic amount changing from hour to hour. The results produced give a better picture of the whole system working together. Based on these results it is possible to come to a conclusion of best suited applet location.nb_NO
dc.publisherInstitutt for telematikknb_NO
dc.subjectSIE7 kommunikasjonsteknologino_NO
dc.titleSimulation of Performance Scalability in Pervasive Systemsnb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO
dc.contributor.departmentNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi, matematikk og elektroteknikk, Institutt for telematikknb_NO

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