Design and Implementation of a Flexible Simulation Framework for Glucose Metabolism
The UVa/Padova research group has over the last decade developed a computersimulator (the UVa/Padova Type 1 Diabetes Metabolic Simulator (T1DMS)) thathas been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) as a substituteto animal trials for preclinical testing in Artificial Pancreas (AP) studies. As aconsequence of being a commercial simulator, its implementation is unknown tothe user. This limits its usability in the context of academic research. Motivatedby this, the Artificial Pancreas Trondheim (APT) research group has implementedthe APT-simulator. Its goal is to resemble the UVa/Padova T1DMS in means ofequations, parameters and inputs.The main contribution of this thesis is an iteration in the software development lifecycle of the APT-simulator. Based on an evaluation of the existing implementation,a new design that emphasizes maintainability and modularity has been made. Themetabolic model has been updated according to the newest publication from theUVa/Padova research group (Man et al., 2014), and a harmonized interface thatenables the APT-simulator to use input of the same format as the UVa/PadovaT1DMS has been implemented. A framework that simplifies the process of runningand comparing simulations between the APT-simulator and the UVa/Padova T1DMSwas developed. The APT-simulator applies the numerical solver ode15s, available inMATLAB ® , in order to simulate the metabolic model.The second contribution of this thesis is a review of the UVa/Padova T1DMS.In the process of implementing the APT-simulator, several questions and potentialflaws concerning the implementation and documentation of the UVa/Padova T1DMSarose. Simulations presented in this thesis indicate that the UVa/Padova T1DMSimplements a metabolic model that is slightly different than what is published bythe UVa/Padova research group.As a conclusion, simulations performed in open-loop demonstrate that the APT-simulator resembles the UVa/Padova T1DMS. Root mean square error (RMSE)-calculations prove that the simulators have a high correlation when only a basalinsulin rate is injected. The RMSE is slightly higher in scenarios where an insulinbolus is injected in relation to a meal. This is assumed to be a consequence of thedifferent equation used by the UVa/Padova T1DMS. Further testing and developmentof the APT-simulator is recommended in order to increase its usability.