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dc.contributor.advisorAalberg, Trond
dc.contributor.authorSaggau, Ole Morten Helland
dc.description.abstractLearning is a social activity. Some have need for help and guidance, while others learn best by teaching others. A mobile app shall be designed and developed to help with this. Through this app, students shall be able to ask for help and/or offer themselves as teachers. To understand the target group and what they wanted out of such an app, students across a variety of studies were interviewed to gather data. From those, a paper prototype was created to test the usability of a planned digital prototype. From the findings of the interviews and usability tests were derived a list of requirements. A review was then done on what technology should be used to develop the digital prototype. React Native was the front-end technology chosen, while Firebase was chosen for the back-end. Development then went into high gear to produce a prototype. When it was ready it was put to another round of testing. The findings were majorly positive, almost all the requirements were covered and the prototype was deemed a successful proof of concept. The prototype will need further work before being released on different app stores.en
dc.subjectInformatikk, Programvaresystemeren
dc.titleMobile Application to Promote Peer based Teaching and Learningen
dc.typeMaster thesisen
dc.contributor.departmentNorges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikk,Institutt for datateknologi og informatikknb_NO

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