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dc.contributor.advisorJohansen, Kristel Bye
dc.contributor.authorØverli, Tiril
dc.description.abstractWHO (2014) definerer psykisk helse som ’’a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community’’ (WHO, 2014). Med andre ord er psykisk helse å leve et godt liv uten at distraksjoner eller stress påvirker hverdagen på en negativ måte. Jeg var i praksis på en skole som har fagene ”lifeskills” og ”ART- aggressive replacement teaching”, og når jeg observerte timene forsto jeg viktigheten av å hjelpe elever med å mestre livets utfordringer, og kunne leve et godt liv. Dermed ble denne problemstillingen valgt: Hvilke tiltak kan en skole iverksette for å bedre elevenes psykiske helse?”. Metoden som ble brukt var et intervju av læreren til fagene ”lifeskills” og ”ART”, og observasjon av 16 klasser. Det blir fokusert på forskjellige temaer som ble tatt opp i fagene ”lifeskills” og ”ART”, og hvordan de kan være med på å hjelpe elevene til å håndtere hverdagen for å bedre elevenes psykiske helse. Det er blir fokusert på fem fokuspunkter: mobbing, selvregulering, selvoppfatning, mestringsforventning og lærer-elev-relasjon. Disse fokuspunktene blir satt i lys av forskjellige temaer på skolen, som blant annet er å skape en aksept for følelsene sine, lage framtidsplaner og øve seg på å være ledere. Noen sentrale funn er at skolen har mye å si for elevenes psykiske helse, og temaene i fagene kan være med på å hjelpe elevene med å mestre livets utfordringer.
dc.description.abstractWHO (2014) defines mental health as ’’a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community’’ (WHO, 2014). In other words, mental health is to live a good life without distractions or stress affecting everyday life in a negative way. I was in teaching practice at a school that has the subjects “lifeskills” and “ART- aggressive replacement teaching”, and it was when I observed the lessons that I understood the importance of helping students master the challenges of life, and living a good life. Thus, the following thesis statement was chosen: “What measures can a school implement to improve students’ mental health?”. The method used was an interview of the teacher on the subjects “lifeskills” and “ART”, and observation of 16 classes. It was focused on various topics that were addresses in the subject “lifeskills” and “ART”, and how they can help students cope with everyday life to improve their students’ mental health. It is focused on five focus points: bullying, self-regulation, self-perception, self-efficacy and teacher-pupil-relationship. These focus point are highlighted by various topics at school, including creating an acceptance of their emotions, making future plans and practicing being leaders. Some of the key findings is that the school has a lot to say for the students’ mental health, and the topics in the subject can help students master the challenges of life.
dc.titleLivsmestring i skolen
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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