Se de utsatte barna
Bachelor thesis
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- Institutt for lærerutdanning [3900]
Denne oppgaven redegjør for problemstillingen: Hvilken kompetanse trenger en lærer for å kunne se signaler på seksuelle overgrep blant sine elever? Forskning, teori og lover legger til grunn at en lærer skal ha kompetansen til å se utsatte barn. For å besvare problemstillingen ble det foretatt et kvalitativt forskningsintervju, der materialet består av to informanter. Det er deres synspunkter oppgaven dreier seg om. Oppgaven drøfter datamaterialet opp mot teori, forskning og lover.
Teori og dagens lærere syns det er en mangel på kompetanse om seksuelle overgrep blant de som arbeider med barn. De mener det er viktig å ha kompetanse om gode relasjoner med elever i bunn for å kunne se signaler utsatte elever sender ut. Disse signalene kan komme i utallige former. Det menes uansett det er viktig å ha kompetanse om alle signaler, særlig utsatte grupper og former for seksuelle overgrep. Vi ser at dagens lærere sitter på en del kompetanse, men det er fremdeles en vei å gå. This thesis will look into what kind of competence a teacher needs to be able to see signals of sexual abuse amongst their students. Research, theory, and laws assume that a teacher should have the competence to see children subjected to sexual abuse. To answer the thesis statement a qualitative research interview was conducted, where the materials consist of who informants. It is their point of view the thesis revolves around. Through the thesis, the data material is discussed against theory, research, and laws.
Theory and today's teachers feel there is a lack of competence in the subject of sexual abuse amongst people that work with children. They believe it is important to have competence about good teacher-student relations as a basis to see signals children subjected to sexual abuse can express. These signals can take shape in numerous forms. It is however implied that competence about all signals, especially subjected children, and shapes of sexual abuse is important. We can see that teachers today inhabits an amount of competence, but there is still work to be done.