• Genetic epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Norway - a 2-year population based study 

      Olsen, Cathrine Goberg; Busk, Øyvind Løvold; Aanjesen, Tori Navestad; Alstadhaug, Karl Bjørnar; Bjørnå, Ingrid Kristine; Braathen, Geir Julius; Breivik, Kristin Lif; Demic, Natasha; Flemmen, Heidi Øyen; Hallerstig, Erika; HogenEsch, Ineke; Holla, Øystein Lunde; Jøntvedt, Anne Berit; Kampman, Margitta T.; Kleveland, Grethe; Kvernmo, Helene Ballo; Ljøstad, Unn; Maniaol, Angelina; Morsund, Åse Hagen; Nakken, Ola; Novy, Camilla; Rekand, Tiina; Schlüter, Katrin Ruth; Schuler, Stephan; Tveten, Kristian; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Holmøy, Trygve; Høyer, Helle (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons. In Europe, disease-causing genetic variants have been identified in 40-70% of familial ALS patients and approximately ...
    • Repeat expansions in AR, ATXN1, ATXN2 and HTT in Norwegian patients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 

      Novy, Camilla; Busk, Øyvind; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Landa, Sigve Strand; Aanjesen, Tori Navestad; Alstadhaug, Karl Bjørnar; Bjerknes, Tale Litlere; Bjørnå, Ingrid Kristine; Bråthen, Geir; Dahl, Elin; Demic, Natasha; Fahlström, Maria; Flemmen, Heidi Øyen; Hallerstig, Erika Carina; HogenEsch, Ineke; Kampman, Margitta; Kleveland, Grethe; Kvernmo, Helene Ballo; Ljøstad, Unn; Maniaol, Angelina; Morsund, Aase Hagen; Nakken, Ola; Olsen, Cathrine Goberg; Schlüter, Katrin Ruth; Utvik, May-Sissel; Yaseen, Ryaz; Holla, Øystein Lunde; Holmøy, Trygve; Høyer, Helle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Genetic repeat expansions cause neuronal degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as well as other neurodegenerative disorders such as spinocerebellar ataxia, Huntington’s disease and Kennedy’s disease. Repeat expansions ...
    • Transient ischemic attack or migraine with aura? 

      Alstadhaug, Karl Bjørnar; Tronvik, Erling Andreas; Aamodt, Anne Hege (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Migraine or migraine-like symptoms can contribute to a delayed stroke diagnosis. However, migraine with aura is a common stroke mimic and often the basis for acute thrombolytic therapy. It is probably also the reason why ...