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dc.contributor.advisorWestern, Knut Ingar
dc.contributor.authorBerget, Jens
dc.contributor.authorAasaaren, Amund
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is based on our study which search to understand how the tactical level within the Norwegian police is involved in corporate governance and employee performance management. We conducted a considerably preliminary research adjusting and revising our thesis which lead to our thesis research question: "Is today`s management of Norwegian Police suitable for facing tomorrows terrorist threats?" Based on this thesis we have researched if, or how strategic objectives is brought into practical activities for civil protection against terrorist threats. Our focus is set on the coherence from top level Norwegian government to street level, represented by on-scene commanders in two different police districts. Our theoretical foundation is how New Public Management and governance processes are possible to implement at street level. We have focused on principal-agent and street level bureaucracy combined with Leif Johansens theories about long term planning based on observations from the past. We have based our research on a mixed-methods study combining qualitative and quantitative methods using an internet survey "Survey X-act" collecting data from 40 respondents. We have used semi-structured interviews with four on-scene commanders from the Norwegian police. This has been combined with analysis of political documents from 2014 up to 2017 as well as earlier relevant documents related to our subject - police governance and terrorist threats. Our research has revealed that there is a lack of connection and mutual understanding between political will and the actual outcome at the tactical level. It also seems to be shortage of involvement at the lower levels. However, we have found differences between our study objects that indicates the importance of adequate specialist environments to ensure connection between strategic and tactical level.nb_NO
dc.titleEr dagens styring av norsk politi egnet til å møte morgendagens terrortrusler? - En studie av virksomhetsstyring og involvering av det taktiske nivået i politietnb_NO
dc.title.alternativeIs today`s management of Norwegian Police suitable for facing tomorrows terrorist threats? - A study of corporate governance and involvement of the tactical level in the policenb_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisnb_NO

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