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dc.contributor.advisorJaccheri, Maria Letizia
dc.contributor.advisorPappas, Ilias O.
dc.contributor.authorLi, Jie
dc.description.abstractSocial innovation is on the rise and this thesis aims to learn from practice to better facilitate further development and contribute to theory. Collaborative social innovation platforms are not well understood although several are being created. The goal is to provide a greater understanding of those platforms and how they can facilitate the social innovation process. The thesis shows the process of planning, designing and creating an evaluation strategy for those platforms. This was done through three steps, first by doing a preliminary analysis of existing literature and platforms. Secondly social innovation experts were interviewed and a questionnaire about collaborative platform were disseminated to validate and build on the analysis. Finally everything was tested by running an experiment on three different platforms. The process resulted in GQCCM an evaluation strategy containing 50 different criteria for collaborative social innovation platforms. Additionally eight goals were identified, these goals were aimed towards attracting people and enabling them to become successful social entrepreneurs. GQCCM shall be able to provide an indication about how platforms can expand and evolve into greater tools for social innovation.
dc.subjectInformatikk, Programvaresystemer
dc.titleGQCCM: An evaluation strategy for collaborative social innovation platforms - Growth, Quality, Collaboration, Creativity & Motivation
dc.typeMaster thesis

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