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dc.contributor.advisorOnshus, Tor Engebret
dc.contributor.authorBerg, Natalie Josefine Borowska
dc.description.abstractKeeping fish as domesticated pets in aquariums is today very popular. This requires regular feeding and supervision of the fish, as well as regularly performing aquarium maintenance tasks. Based on the Internet of Things philosophy, this thesis has investigated how a monitoring and automation system for aquariums can provide smarter and more efficient fish keeping. The goal of this thesis has been to implement a prototype for such a system. The system should monitor the aquarium environment, automate aquarium tasks, as well as give the user remote access to the aquarium from a mobile application. Aquarium data should also be stored in a database. This data can then by analyzed, so that trends and statistics can be used to ensure optimal fish keeping. The prototype has been set up as proof of concept, mostly consisting of cheap hobby components. The prototype has focused on functionality, design and concept. The results show that the set up prototype works well, and that all the requirements for the system have been met. However, for this prototype to become a finished product, there still remains a lot of work.
dc.subjectKybernetikk og robotikk, Biomedisinsk kybernetikk
dc.titleAutomation and Monitoring System for Aquariums
dc.typeMaster thesis

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