Why we will all be looking for a new job soon, true story based on study case of Orkdal footbridge
The fourth industrial revolution, already present in the several industries, is now entering the field of civil engineering. Digital fabrication, mass customization, robot arms and drones are connected within the building information modeling (BIM) systems [1]. All the work that is currently accomplished by nonprofessional or semi-professional workers can now be automated or delegated to robots [2]. The main motivation behind this shift is economical: lowering the overall cost by increasing project time predictability and enhancing work security at the same time. The proper use of computers and machines helps avoiding random errors that are cumbersome to detect and thus slower the process of the project. For example: Using computer numerical control (CNC) sawing machines significantly increases the quality and accuracy of the timber elements that are sent to a construction side [3]. Using pneumatic nail pistols or numerical welding machines speed up the joining process. Everything what happens since now was focused mostly on eliminating human factor from construction site. However, the most dramatic mistakes in civil engineering are prevalently made in the design phase of construction process. One can risk the thesis that knowledge available to the designer, i.e. the finite element method, scripting tools, Eurocodes, parametric modelling, and power computing machines could all be smartly merged together to eliminate the source of random errors from the design phase. In other words, we dare to propose an automated designing process concept with a limited interference of the designer. This is naturally followed by the new role of the designer, that to both qualitative and quantitative change. The investigation of the details and practical aspects of the implementation are tested on the exemplary structure proposed for the Footbridge Berlin 2017 and Orkdal bridge study case.