Quality changes during seafoodprocessing as studied with NMRand NIR spectroscopy
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Gudjonsdottir, Maria; Gunnlaugsson, Valur N.; Finnbogadottir, Gudrun A.; Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun; Magnusson, Hannes; Arason, Sigurjon; Rustad, Turid. Process Control of Lightly Salted Wild and Farmed Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) by Brine Injection, Brining, and Freezing-A Low Field NMR Study. Journal of Food Science. (ISSN 0022-1147). 75(8): E527-E536, 2010. 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2010.01808.x.Gudjonsdottir, Maria; Lauzon, Helene L.; Magnusson, Hannes; Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun; Arason, Sigurjon; Martinsdottir, Emilia; Rustad, Turid. Low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on the effect of salt and modified atmosphere packaging on cod (Gadus morhua) during superchilled storage. Food Research International. (ISSN 0963-9969). 44(1): 241-249, 2011. 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.10.029.
Gudjonsdottir, Maria; Arason, Sigurjon; Rustad, Turid. The effects of pre-salting methods on water distribution and protein denaturation of dry salted and rehydrated cod - A low-field NMR study. Journal of Food Engineering. (ISSN 0260-8774). 104(1): 23-29, 2011. 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2010.11.022.
Gudjonsdottir, Maria; Jonsson, Asbjorn; Bergsson, Arnljotur Bjarki; Arason, Sigurjon; Rustad, Turid. Shrimp Processing Assessed by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, and Physicochemical Measurements-The Effect of Polyphosphate Content and Length of Prebrining on Shrimp Muscle. Journal of Food Science. (ISSN 0022-1147). 76(4): E357-E367, 2011. 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02112.x.