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dc.contributor.authorBevanger, Kjetil Modolv
dc.contributor.authorBerntsen, Finn Erik Harald
dc.contributor.authorClausen, Stig Morten
dc.contributor.authorDahl, Espen Lie
dc.contributor.authorFlagstad, Øystein
dc.contributor.authorFollestad, Arne
dc.contributor.authorHalley, Duncan John
dc.contributor.authorHanssen, Frank Ole
dc.contributor.authorJohnsen, Lars
dc.contributor.authorKvaløy, Pål
dc.contributor.authorLund-Hoel, Pernille*
dc.contributor.authorMay, Roelof Frans
dc.contributor.authorNygård, Torgeir
dc.contributor.authorPedersen, Hans-Christian
dc.contributor.authorReitan, Ole
dc.contributor.authorRøskaft, Eivin
dc.contributor.authorSteinheim, Yngve
dc.contributor.authorStokke, Bård Gunnar
dc.contributor.authorVang, Roald
dc.description.abstractThe BirdWind project (2007-2010) is now concluded. This report summarises the main findings. Several scientific papers are in the process of preparation for publication in international peer re-view journals; this report only provides a brief overview. The main project objective has been to study species-, site- and seasonal-specific bird mortality; and to identify vulnerable species and site-specific factors that should be considered to improve the basis for future pre- and post con-struction EIAs in connection with wind power-plant constructions. To reach these goals work pack-ages and sub-projects have focused on behavioural and response studies at individual and popu-lation levels, for selected model species. The white-tailed eagle has been a focal species during the studies, as several fatalities were recorded in connection with the Smøla Wind-Power Plant (SWPP) even before the project started; the SWPP has been the main arena for project fieldwork. Modelling the WTE collision risk and making a WTE population model were important elements of the project activities. The development of methodologies and technical tools for data collection and mitigating measures has also been an important part of the project. For practical convenience the project was divided into eight subprojects focusing on 1) bird mortality, 2) willow ptarmigan, 3) breeding waders and smaller passerines, 4) white-tailed eagle, 5) bird radar, 6) mitigating technol-ogy, 7) data flow and storage systems and 8) GIS, visualization and terrain modelling. Results and preliminary conclusions related to each of these subtasks are reported.nb_NO
dc.publisherNorsk institutt for naturforskningnb_NO
dc.relation.ispartofNINA rapport
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNINA rapport;620
dc.titlePre- and post-construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Report on findings 2007-2010nb_NO
dc.typeResearch reportnb_NO
dc.relation.projectNorges forskningsråd: 193818nb_NO
dc.description.localcode© Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. The publication may be freely cited where the source is acknowledgednb_NO
cristin.unitnameInstitutt for biologi
cristin.unitnameInstitutt for elektronikk og telekommunikasjon

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