• A cross-sectional study of sensory-motor neuropsychological function among sewage plant and sewage net workers exposed to hydrogen sulphide when handling wastewater 

      Goffeng, Lars Ole; Austigard, Åse Dalseth; Svendsen, Kristin H.; Skare, Øivind; Thornér, Elin Einarsdóttir; Madsø, Lene; Heldal, Kari Emilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Objectives Workers at sewage treatment plants are exposed to a complex mixture of toxins, including hydrogen sulphide (H2S). An issue of concern among sewage workers, is possible negative nervous system effects from low-level ...
    • Crowdsourced Customer Acquisition: A Conceptual Framework for Freemium and Propositions for Future Research 

      Bekkelund, Kim-Joar Ranheim (Master thesis, 2011)
      Freemium has grown tremendously in use and importance the last years, butresearch is still in its infancy. This thesis explore how companies that usefreemium acquire customers through their existing users and customers. ...
    • CSR in International Business - Creating Shared Value 

      Fjell, Lise; Rødland, Silje Erdal (Master thesis, 2015)
      The world is experiencing several global issues of economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian characters, and they are continuously increasing in scale. Multinational corporations (MNCs) are considered as both contributors ...
    • CSR in the Norwegian context 

      Carson, Siri Granum; Nilsen, Heidi Rapp (Chapter, 2021)
      In this chapter, we sketch the rise of explicit CSR in the Norwegian context by focusing on the extractive industries’ entry into a global market and the resulting legitimacy challenges arising from this transition. Explicit ...
    • Cultural differences, participative leadership and communication style - A study of two international software companies 

      Friedrich, Marianne (Master thesis, 2017)
      This thesis looks at the influence of cultural differences on software development teams. It consists of two articles. The first article explores employee expectations and preferences towards participative leadership (PL), ...
    • Cultural Oversight: HSE Culture in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry 

      Nilsen, Marie (Master thesis, 2014)
      The price society has to pay for modernization comes in the form of increased risks (Beck, 1992). As a result, risk management and regulations were developed to systematically deal with the consequences of modern-day ...
    • Currency Hedging in Norwegian Listed Companies: Strategies and Effects on Exposure 

      Martinsen, Gustav; Skaarer, Christoffer Branæs (Master thesis, 2012)
      We investigate hedging strategies and foreign exchange rate exposure of Norwegian companies in the seafood and offshore support industries. Factor models building on the Capital Asset Pricing Model are used to analyze stock ...
    • Current status and future operational models for transit shipping along the Northern Sea Route 

      Milakovic, Aleksandar-Sasa; Gunnarsson, Bjørn; Balmasov, Sergey; Hong, Sungwon; Kim, Kitae; Schütz, Peter; Ehlers, Sören (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The Northern Sea Route (NSR) has received increased international attention during the recent years as an alternative transit corridor for shipping between Europe and East Asia. In 2015, the project “Feasibility and ...
    • Customer - Supplier Relationship and Knowledge Management: A Value Creation Process in SCM 

      Rock, Ruben; Robles Dobler, Cuauhtemoc (Master thesis, 2013)
      The emergence of global markets has opened international sourcing opportunities for firms to seek for the best customer value derived from suppliers scattered around the globe. These new opportunities raise the importance ...
    • Cyber Awareness i Små- og Mellomstore Bedrifter 

      Kristiansen, Fredrik Kirkebirkeland; Hustvedt, Per Håvard Kolle (Master thesis, 2023)
      Små- og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB) står for en betydelig andel av Europas økonomi og mange virksomheter ser på SMB-er som viktige samarbeidspartnere. Det er fordi flere organisasjoner er avhengig av SMB-ene sine tjenester ...
    • Cyber security culture as a resilience-promoting factor for human-centered Machine Learning and Zero-defect Manufacturing environments 

      Mitcheltree, Christina Marie; Mugurusi, Godfrey; Holtskog, Halvor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Humans have often been perceived as a leading cause of error in Zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM) processes. There is thus a reduction of human interventions in the deployment of industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies used for ZDM ...
    • Cyber-Physical Waste Identification and Elimination Strategies in the Digital Lean Manufacturing World 

      Romero, David; Gaiardelli, Paolo; Thürer, Matthias; Powell, Daryl; Wuest, Thorsten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Lean Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 are at times portrait as conflicting paradigms. However, we take the stance that they are two sides of the same coin, and should be considered as mutually beneficial. Based on this ...
    • The daily swab test collection problem 

      Aringhieri, Roberto; Bigharaz, Sara; Druetto, Alessandro; Duma, Davide; Grosso, Andrea; Guastalla, Alberto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Digital Contact Tracing (DCT) has been proved to be an effective tool to counteract the new SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19. Despite this widespread effort to adopt the DCT, less attention has been paid to the organisation of the ...
    • Daily work-related recovery of entrepreneurs - An exploratory study of recovery activities 

      Hjelle, Mariel; Skeie, Kristi Bjørnes (Master thesis, 2020)
      Gründere er en gruppe som er kjent for å oppleve høyt stressnivå på grunn av krevende arbeidsvilkår. Dette inkluderer faktorer som mye risiko og usikkerhet samt ansvar for bedriftens suksess. I tillegg identifiserer mange ...
    • DARWIN Resilience Management Guidelines for Everyday Operations in the Petroleum Industry 

      Låstad, Emilie; Hjelmseth Larssen, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2020)
      Målet med denne avhandlingen var å analysere en valgt case innen petroleumsindustrien, for å vurdere hvor resiliens styring kunne benyttes for å forbedre resiliens kapabiliteter i operasjonen. Casen som ble behandlet er ...
    • Data Driven Real-Time Petroleum Production Planning Using Optimization and Neural Networks 

      Malvik, Arnt Gunnar; Witzøe, Bendik (Master thesis, 2018)
      Real-time optimization (RTO) of petroleum production is concerned with maximizing daily oil production by suggesting minor adjustments to the system and frequently re-solving the optimization model. A central part of the ...
    • Data for a meta-analysis of the adaptive layer in adaptive large neighborhood search 

      Turkeš, Renata; Sörensen, Kenneth; Hvattum, Lars Magnus; Barrena, Eva; Chentli, Hayet; Coelho, Leandro C; Dayarian, Iman; Grimault, Axel; Gullhav, Anders Nordby; Iris, Cagatay; Keskin, Merve; Kiefer, Alexander; Lusby, Richard Martin; Mauri, Geraldo Regis; Monroy-Licht, Marcela; Parragh, Sophie N.; Riquelme-Rodriguez, Juan-Pablo; Santini, Alberto; Santos, Vinicius Gandra Martins; Thomas, Charles (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Meta-analysis, a systematic statistical examination that combines the results of several independent studies, has the potential of obtaining problem- and implementation-independent knowledge and understanding of metaheuristic ...
    • Data-Driven Decision-Making in the Public Procurement System: The Case of Norway 

      Langseth, Marius (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:70, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      The thesis explores into Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM) in public procurement in Norway. Public procurement is crucial for the efficient use of collective resources, to foster competition in the supplier market, and ...
    • Data-driven information for action 

      Wulff, Kristin; Finnestrand, Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Because of the increase in data and the possibilities created by machine learning, organizations are now looking to become more data-driven. In sociotechnical systems design there has been a focus on designing information ...
    • Datafangst i asfaltverdikjede 

      Ingebrigtsen Eide, Lasse; Lervik, Per Magnus (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Dette prosjektet har som hensikt å undersøke hvordan datafangst i Veidekkes asfaltverdikjede kan utbedres. Rapporten tar for seg hvordan datafangsten kan gi bedre flyt, redusere behov for manuelle inngrep og hvilke KPIer ...