• Betydningen for et lokalt og regionalt samfunn at bedrifter tar samfunnsansvar 

      Brønlund, Bjørn-Tore (Master thesis, 2016)
      Som direktør for bedriftsmarkedet i Helgeland Sparebank ser jeg stadig oftere betydningen av at det er et lokalt initiativ og interesse for utviklingen av det samfunnet som vi bor og virker i. I denne sammenheng hvordan ...
    • Bevaring av biologisk mangfold ved utbygging i Trondheim kommune 

      Bachke, Aleksander Storebø; Tagseth, Emma (Master thesis, 2023)
      Sammendrag Arealbruksendringer er den største driveren for tap av biologisk mangfold. Tap av biologisk mangfold vil ha store negative konsekvenser for jorda og menneskeheten, og med en stadig økende befolkning og urbanisering, ...
    • Beyond sharing experiences 

      Faugstad, Magnus Eian; Melby, Andreas Sandness (Master thesis, 2014)
      The purpose of knowledge management activities and practice is to enhance the ability to utilize the knowledge and experiences that exist embedded in the organization. Knowledge management is absolutely essential for the ...
    • Beyond the lean manager. Insights on how to develop corporate lean leadership 

      Holmemo, Marte Daae-Qvale; Ingvaldsen, Jonas A; Powell, Daryl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Although leadership is consistently found to be the main success factor for lean transformations, our knowledge about how to develop the necessary leadership competences at the level of the individual and the organisation ...
    • Bi-objective offshore supply vessel planning with costs and persistence objectives 

      Borthen, Thomas; Loennechen, Henrik; Fagerholt, Kjetil; Wang, Xin; Vidal, Thibault (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper introduces a bi-objective model for the offshore supply vessel planning problem (SVPP) in the oil & gas industry. The SVPP consists of determining a new weekly plan for sailing the platform supply vessels whenever ...
    • Bidding in sequential electricity markets: The Nordic case 

      Boomsma, Trine Krogh; Juul, Nina; Fleten, Stein-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      For electricity market participants trading in sequential markets with differences in price levels and risk exposure, it is relevant to analyze the potential of coordinated bidding. We consider a Nordic power producer who ...
    • Bidding Revealed: An Empirical Analysis of Selling Hydropower through Elspot 

      Grøndahl, Roger Blikra; Alnæs, Erik Nicholas (Master thesis, 2012)
      In the deregulated Nordic electricity market, power producers bid to sell tomorrow's power in the day-ahead auction Elspot. This thesis presents an empirical analysis of bids submitted by three medium to large sized Norwegian ...
    • Big data-deling - En undersøkelse av hvordan selskaper kan skape verdi ved deling av big data 

      Tetzchner, Christian Clemet von; Martinsen, Tobias (Master thesis, 2018)
      Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å forstå hvordan store etablerte selskap kan dra nytte av å dele sin bedriftsdata til andre aktører. Mange etablerte selskap sitter på store mengder data som kan gi opphav til verdifull ...
    • Bilateral vs. Financial Contracting in the Nordic Electricity Market 

      Tvedt, Merethe (Master thesis, 2021)
      I løpet av de siste årene har det vært en betydelig økning i bruk av PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) i det nordiske kraftmarkedet. Samtidig har likviditeten i det finansielle markedet (kraftderivater handlet på Nasdaq ...
    • Biodiversity Impact Assessment Considering Land Use Intensities and Fragmentation 

      Scherer, Laura; Rosa, Francesca; Sun, Zhongxiao; Michelsen, Ottar; De Laurentiis, Valeria; Marques, Alexandra; Pfister, Stephan; Verones, Francesca; Kuipers, Koen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Land use is a major threat to terrestrial biodiversity. Life cycle assessment is a tool that can assess such threats and thereby support environmental decision-making. Within the Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact ...
    • Biodiversity impact assessment of the aquaculture industry in Norway - a company level application 

      Jansen, Markus Bjørkli; Nepstad, Gaute (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg hvordan oppdrettere av laks og ørret i Norge påvirker det biologisk mangfoldet. Vi bruker offentlig tilgjengelige data fra 2016 til 2021 og biologisk mangfold-variablene lakselus, rømminger, ...
    • Biorefinery procurement risk hedging under multi-commodity price and exchange rate uncertainty 

      Aasved, Christian; Harstveit, Magnus (Master thesis, 2022)
      I løpet av de siste årene har koronapandemien og økende global politisk usikkerhet ført til høyere volatilitet og prisrisiko i råvaremarkedene. Den råvareintensive og voksende bioraffineriindustrien spiller en avgjørende ...
    • Biosphere-based sustainability in local governments: Sustainable development goal interactions and indicators for policymaking 

      Nerland, Rita Grøtvik; Nilsen, Heidi Rapp; Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Knowledge on sustainable development goals (SDGs) interactions has a bias toward global perspectives and lacks regional or country-specific differentiation. This paper takes a biosphere-based sustainability approach and ...
    • Blank Canvas: Explorative Behavior and Personal Agency in Arts Entrepreneurship Education 

      Toscher, Benjamin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The majority of learning in arts entrepreneurship education is experiential (Essig & Guevara, 2016). Experiential and entrepreneurial learning theories indicate that to facilitate entrepreneurial knowledge generation which ...
    • Block scheduling at magnetic resonance imaging labs 

      Gullhav, Anders N.; Christiansen, Marielle; Nygreen, Bjørn; Aarlott, Mats Mathisen; Medhus, Jon Erik; Skomsvoll, Johan Fredrik; Østbyhaug, Per Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper considers a tactical block scheduling problem at a major Norwegian hospital. Here, specific patient groups are reserved time blocks for scanning at a heterogeneous set of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) labs. ...
    • Blockchain in Banking - Will a common standard emerge? 

      Habbestad, Stig Roar; Karde, Andreas (Master thesis, 2017)
      From its early start as the technology enabling Bitcoin, Blockchain technology has risen to become a “big thing” within the financial industry. While some dismiss it as being a buzzword or ...
    • Blockchain technology needs for sustainable mineral supply chains: A framework for responsible sourcing of Cobalt 

      Mugurusi, Godfrey; Ahishakiye, Emmanuel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Blockchain technology has recently become the go-to solution for companies and industries that seek to enhance value chain traceability of their products, and transparency in their supply chains. Because of these benefits, ...
    • Blockchain-enabled Information Sharing within a Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review 

      Wan, Paul Kengfai; Huang, Lizhen; Holtskog, Halvor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A supply chain consists of many stakeholders such as suppliers, carriers and customers. It is often complex due to the rapid development of economic globalization and the intense competition pressure in the market which ...
    • Blockchain’s impact on the Norwegian seafood industry 

      Heimark, Erlend; Tran, Thuan Cong; Øvergaard, Vilde Romvig (Master thesis, 2021)
      Til tross for at entusiasmen for blokkjede teknologi avtok noe i 2018 i forbindelse med kryptovalutaens fall, har forskere og aktører i industrien fortsatt å utforske hvordan teknologien kan tas i bruk, utover det å ...
    • Bloggerne – de nye markedsførerne?: en empirisk studie av generasjon Y 

      Hagen, Hanne Merete; Eriksson, Sara J. Vang (Bachelor thesis, 2012)
      NORSK: Det har vokst frem en ny arena for markedsføring gjennom sosiale medier som åpner opp for kommunikasjon mellom bedrift og konsument. Blogg er et sosialt medium som spesielt har blitt populært hos den yngre ...